Korla City: Go all the way to ensure agricultural production and ensure that farmers and herdsmen have a good harvest

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.09.14

Tianshan News (Reporter Su Laping reported) On the evening of September 14, the Press Press Office of the People's Government of Korla City held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control. At the meeting, Zhu Ren, a 4 -level investigator of the People's Government of Korla City, informed Korla City to do a good job of autumn, autumn pipes, and autumn harvest agricultural production.

At present, the "San Qiu" work is important. The Korla Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Government always take agricultural production and agricultural products to be provided as a major people's livelihood work. "While doing a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic, we will go all out to ensure agricultural production and ensure that farmers' high yield harvest.

First, the Babzhou Party Committee and the People's Government attach great importance to the agricultural production work during the epidemic. There are 4 special classes, publicity, picking, and sales of hotline, publicity, picking, and sales. 19 service lines are announced to effectively solve the problems and difficulties of the people of all ethnic groups.

Second, the townships and villages combine their own reality, set up 7 work classes including epidemic prevention and control, labor coordination guarantee, vehicle transportation guarantee, cold storage management, packaging guarantee, purchaser services, logistics sales, etc. to strengthen autumn harvest, autumn species, autumn management and epidemic conditions Closed -loop management of prevention and control, in -depth production of the front line to do a good job of guidance services, actively organize farmers to carry out incense pear picking, silage feed harvesting, and post -cotton post -management work, so that epidemic prevention and production are not wrong.

The third is to establish an analysis and judgment mechanism of the day, pay close attention to the work of "San Qiu", and check the loopholes, supplement the shortcomings, sparse channels, and solve problems in key links such as employment, transportation, sales, and refrigeration to ensure the orderly development of the "San Qiu" work.

As of now, a total of 140,000 acres of Xiangli and 65,000 tons are picked, with more than 60,000 tons of storage, and ground sales of 4.5 yuan to 13.5 yuan/kg, which is more than double the average price of about 3.8 yuan last year. More than 7,000 agricultural machinery has been maintained and maintained, and more than 1,000 transport vehicles are guaranteed daily; 25 agricultural technical personnel are organized to carry out technical guidance online and offline; more than 2,100 tons of fertilizer fertilizer, more than 550 tons of wheat seeds, and implementing winter wheat planting area of ​​9300 9300 Ore, the winter storage vegetables are 1008 acres, and the output is about 04,800 tons, which is now available. In the autumn, major animal epidemic prevention and control has completed a total of 150,000 heads (only), more than 8,100 sheep's anti -scallion and 42,000 feathers.

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