Qingdao Ocean Development Bureau builds the "six major" regulatory model to ensure the quality and safety of aquatic products

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.09.15

Qilu.com · Lightning News, September 15th, "Your recent fishing input of fish use products can be taken. I will enter the harvest season immediately. You must be cautious when using the input products." On September 14, Wei Qiang, deputy head of the Fisheries Resources Protection Section of the West Coast New Area of ​​Qingdao City, was inspecting the sea cucumber breeding base of Qingdao Ruizi Group Co., Ltd. Before checking the records of sea cucumbers, Wei Qiang had a random inspection of the batch of sea cucumbers.

Ruizi Group, located in Chenjiagong Bay, Langya Town, West Coast New District, "National Qingdao West Coast Stranging Ginseng Ginseng" is the first national spiny ginseng variety field. High temperature resistance and other characteristics. "The sea cucumber breeding area of ​​the West Coast New Area is more than 2,300 hectares, and the annual output of more than 20,000 tons of sea cucumber. In order to effectively strengthen the quality and safety of farming and other aquaculture aquaculture products, the Qingdao Marine Development Bureau has created the" six major 'regulatory model. Guidance, technical training, intelligent supervision, supervision and random inspection, joint law enforcement, etc. are strong supervision, hidden dangers, and promoting improvement. "Wei Qiang said.

"At present, the smart breeding system jointly created with the District Ocean Development Bureau has officially operated. The system includes several large sections such as breeding data, environment-pathogenic data, foam monitoring, video surveillance, environmental control early warning, and AI early warning. Both and daily management are more accurate and efficient, and can quickly cope with various environmental conditions, which is conducive to reducing the risks of aquaculture and disaster, and effectively saving costs. "Relevant person in charge of Ruixi Group said.

Related information shows that the smart breeding system empower the real economy through the blockchain technology, which can realize the analysis of the production processes such as seedling, relief, feeding, disease prevention, transportation, and transportation of aquaculture enterprises. Environment and production activities implement traceable information management. On the basis of quality and safety management, through data sensor equipment, water body information can be monitored in real time, and many key parameters including geographical location, active phosphate, pH, and suspended substances can be collected. Data upload the data center platform in real time, establish an effective early warning mechanism, find problems, solve problems before the problem fermentation, and minimize the occurrence of violations.

"In recent years, Qingdao has focused on key varieties and restrictions on the residue of agricultural and culinary drugs, and continued to carry out spring -clearing secret visits, special rectification of fishing products, and edible aquatic products' cure forbidden drugs. During the inspection, the illegal medication behavior was discovered in accordance with the law. Since the beginning of this year, the municipal and district (cities) levels have conducted a total of 66 law enforcement inspections, sent 143 law enforcement officers, and checked 151 production subjects.

In the next step, the Qingdao Marine Development Bureau will further refine measures, supplement shortcomings, and strengthen implementation in terms of grid management, fishing product control, regulatory traceability platform application, quality testing and technical services. Focus on hidden dangers, actively act, iron fist treatment, and promote the effective improvement of the quality and safety of aquatic products. "The relevant person in charge of Qingdao Marine Development Bureau said.

Lightning News reporter Xin Peng Qingdao Report

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