Jilin Changchun: Autumn sequential operation to escort for a bumper harvest

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.09.16

Changchun, CCTV, September 15th (Reporter Su Gaoge Correspondent Yu Yue Sui Zhuang) The empty, take off, hover, spray medicine ... accompanied by roar, a helicopter full of "nutrition" passed through the farmland, uniformly, uniformly Sprinkle the disease prevention of cooked agents, and completed the aviation operation in less than half an hour. Such an efficient method of homework allows the field with a strong "technology fan".

A helicopter full of "nutrition" passing over from the farmland (Photo by Gao Chunmei from CCTV)

In the past few days, the agricultural department of Jiutai District of Changchun City has organized agricultural technicians to go deep into the field to "diagnose the pulse" and carry out aviation operations in the main grain production area. Through the scientific guidance and scientific and technological services of farmers, effectively prevent the occurrence of pests and insect pests, promote the growth of crops, and escort the harvest of autumn grains.

"After planting a lifetime, I didn't expect to spray this medicine like this!" Li Yanwei, the head of the Jinhang Agricultural Machinery Cooperative in Jiutai District, said that "fast" is the deepest impression left by the aircraft spray. "Our cooperatives have grown more than 100 hectares of corn. In the past, the efficiency of artificial spraying was sprayed up to 1 hectares a day. It was not enough for a helicopter to do it for two minutes.

Helicopter is ready to take off (Photo by CCTV Send Gao Chunmei)

The advantages of aviation operations are also reflected in the wide range of operations, good effects, and low cost, which can ensure the completion of prevention and control during the optimal prevention period, especially for the prevention and treatment of large -scale emergencies and insect pests. It can complete the spray operation of nearly 200 hectares of farmland. "Promoting new and high -efficiency plant protection machinery is an important one in the operation of pesticide reduction." Gao Chunmei, a senior agronomist at the Agricultural Technology Promotion Center of Jiu Tai District. Film can effectively prevent the secondary infection of the disease, thereby reducing pesticides without leaving dead ends.

In this aviation operation, Jiu Tai District implemented three streets such as Jijia, Weizigou, and Xinglong, and the area of ​​"prevention of disease prevention and promoting precocious" flying operations exceeded 300,000 mu, which ensured the time limit for medication, reduce production costs, guarantees guarantee Grain output allows local farmers to enjoy a wave of "dividends".

Spray the medicament in time to prevent diseases and ensure that corn is high -quality and mature (Photo by Gao Chunmei from CCTV)

"Since the beginning of the summer, due to the frequent rainwater and low temperature widow photos caused by the loss of nutrients, corn development has been affected to a certain extent. Especially under the mid -to -late temperature and high humidity climate conditions in the middle and late stages of corn growth, various 'spot diseases'." Gao Chunmei said, said, said, Under the aviation operation of uniform medication, unified medication, unified medication methods, and unified technical services, timely spraying disease prevention and cooked drugs not only prevent and treat diseases, but also promote the timely maturity of corn.

Source: Yangguang.com

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