Huashang talks about public welfare: do some practical things for enterprises to explore overseas markets

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.09.16

Zhongxin Jingwei, September 16th. 2022 Global Freshmen China Chamber of Commerce Yunfeng will be held online and offline on September 16. The activities are widely invited to participate in the overseas Chinese industry and business community, especially the new generation of Chinese businessmen to participate in the issues of concern to the Chinese business community.

Liu Chunsheng, an associate professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics, presided over the round table forum with theme "Chinese Business Public Welfare Innovation and Practice". He Tunjun, President of the European Chinese Business Poverty Alleviation Foundation, and Han Fang, president of the African Chinese Education Foundation, introduced the public welfare project of his foundation. Share the excellent practical cases and characteristics of Chinese business public welfare, and tell the story of overseas Chinese businessmen.

He Tunjun: To promote small enterprises to go out to do practical things

"Compared with other social public welfare projects, the Chinese business public welfare project presents the characteristics of small, fast, and affordable." In the forum, He Tsui troops introduced that there have been excellent traditions of patriotism and country at home and abroad. Although the projects are small and decentralized, they are very fast, and most of the public welfare projects they have invested are real direct donations or donations.

He Tsui said that from the personal experience of the European Chinese Merchants Poverty Alleviation Foundation for more than ten years, the Chinese business public welfare project is very popular with the project area and compatriots. The European Chinese Merchants Poverty Alleviation Foundation began in 2009, focusing on students and lonely people in poverty alleviation areas. Since then, they have also actively invested in the process of rural rejuvenation and carried out many projects for improving the living environment of poor areas and education conditions in primary and secondary schools.

"In recent years, Chinese business public welfare has shown some new features." He transferred the army that now pays more attention to the extension of public welfare projects, investing in some cooperation in production and trade projects, and the overall driving the local people to be better and faster to become rich and wealthy. Essence Overseas Chinese businessmen can use their own advantages, use good conditions for domestic and foreign information to penetrate and rich resources, and do some real things for promoting small enterprises to go global and open up overseas markets. This is a new contribution to overseas Chinese businessmen and overseas Chinese.

Han Fang: Overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese should have a greater sense of national responsibility

"In my heart, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese should have a greater sense of national responsibility." Han Fang said that when it comes to charity, it will associate with the elderly or poor children. These charity is undoubted. However, as an overseas Chinese overseas overseas Chinese in the front line, we must first assume national responsibilities and bring the reputation of Chinese mouth.

Han Fang introduced that in 2005, he founded the African Times with the four overseas Chinese leaders to promote Chinese culture and tell Chinese stories. In 2011, the South African Overseas Chinese Network was founded to promote the national spirit and spread Chinese culture to promote the friendship between China and Africa. The South African Chinese Education Foundation, which was established since then, has used this as a channel to help the establishment of Chinese schools, sponsor poor schools, help Chinese school specialization and standardization, and promote Chinese culture in this way. At the same time, the charity school established by the Foundation provides free educational services for children who are willing to participate in online classes during the epidemic.

"Although we are in the field of Western education, we are a new trend." Han Fang said that he is still actively preparing for the establishment of a Chinese international school. These are all charity that overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese should really do.

The "2022 Global Freshman China Business Cloud Summit" was led by China News Agency, Overseas Chinese University, jointly sponsored by Zhongxin Jingwei, China Overseas Chinese Network, and the School of Business Administration of Overseas Chinese University. China News Network and China News Weekly provided special support. The research institute provides academic support. The meeting passed the mainstream media such as China News Network to live broadcast to and abroad at home and abroad. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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