Jining City implements the "three non -stop" requirements to coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.09.18

Jining News Network, September 18 (Reporter Wang Xinrong) Currently, the prevention and control of the epidemic in Jining has achieved staged results. And the "three non -stop" work requirements put forward by the Provincial Party Committee, adhere to the "two hands" of the epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, strive to grab time, make up for the loss, and strive to maintain economic operation in a reasonable range, and strive to achieve the most. good result.

Make every effort to do a good job in economic operation. Anchor the annual task goals, strengthen the monitoring of major economic indicators, and establish a tackling account. The municipal level will form 14 supervision groups to take the county guidance. Services, effectively stabilize economic fundamentals. Adhere to the daily dispatching system of energy supply, refine emergency plans and response measures, actively coordinate the procurement of emergency supplies, ensure that there are abundant inventory of electric coal enterprises, and the transportation of supplies such as coal.

Focus on the production of industrial economic insurance. In conjunction with the Industrial and Information Technology departments, play the role of "five branches" of corporate cadres, enterprise assistance groups, exclusive managers, industrial classes, and element special classes, and dynamically monitor 863 climbing corporate capacity utilization rates, orders, electricity consumption, enterprises, enterprises, enterprises In the cases of employment, research measures and support from various aspects such as market demand, factor supply, policy support, etc., accurately solve difficulties such as blocked supply chain, tight capital chain, and reduction in orders, helping them to restore the normal production level as soon as possible, and stabilize the industry throughout the industry. "Basic disk".

Vigorously promote the expansion of project construction. Give play to the role of major project construction work, implement closed -loop management, refined prevention and control, and classification of 158 provincial and 265 municipal -level key projects to assist in preventing and controlling epidemic prevention and control, personnel return, material transportation, funds, funds, funds Insurance, etc., actively strive for policy development financial instruments, special bonds, medium and long -term loans in the manufacturing industry, promote the project saturated investment, and strive to grab the construction period of the epidemic delay to ensure that the construction progress of key provincial and municipal key projects will not be due to the epidemic situation. And "deceleration".

Strengthen the implementation of the market to implement the market. Since the beginning of this year, focusing on the basic market of the economy, the state and provinces and cities have introduced a large number of unprecedented favorable policies. In the first eight months of the city, the city's cumulative retreat and reduction of taxes and fees was 13.18 billion yuan, which benefited nearly 500,000 households in the market. Important role. We will fully implement the "policy packages" of the central and provincial and municipalities, actively cooperate with the provincial "four -entry" working group, increase supervision services, ensure that the "gold" policy play a key role, and effectively help the epidemic affecting the impact of greater influence of the epidemic situation. Industry and market players have traveled.

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