The implementation of the “537.7 billion yuan” in the “Book of Bags” in 5 months of the tax refund policy will top the list of 537.7 billion yuan

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.09.19

This year's implementation of large -scale value -added tax refund policies, the manufacturing industry has benefited significantly.

According to the latest data from the State Administration of Taxation, the implementation of the large -scale VAT tax refund policy on April 1 this year as of August 31, and the tax refund of 2049 billion yuan has been withdrawn to the taxpayer's account. Among them, from April to August, manufacturing companies enjoyed a total of 537.7 billion yuan in tax refund, and the scale of tax refund ranked first in the industry.

"my country implements a large -scale tax refund of the reserved tax, and the amount of input tax that the taxpayer can continue to be deducted will be returned in advance in the future. He Daixin, director of the Financial Research Office, told the "Securities Daily" reporter that especially for small and medium -sized enterprises with weak taxes and manufacturing companies with weak tax burden, and manufacturing enterprises with greater taxes, this policy helps enhance corporate development confidence , Stimulate the vitality of the market. Looking further, this move can also promote consumer investment, support the high -quality development of the real economy, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading and structural optimization.

"Manufacturing is a pillar industry and economic growth of the national economy. With the support of the reserved tax refund" real gold and silver ", my country's manufacturing industry will be further consolidated and promoted to accelerate from large to strong. Change. "Bai Yanfeng, a professor at the School of Finance and Taxation of the Central University of Finance and Economics, told the Securities Daily reporter.

Sichuan Hanyuan Tieneng New Energy Development Co., Ltd. is an investment, design, production management, and other renewable energy development enterprises in the investment, design, production management and other renewable energy development enterprises. Due to the large investment in the wind power industry project, the long investment recycling period, the rapid iteration of technical updates, and the high operating costs, enterprises are facing the dilemma of tight cash flow and insufficient development stamina.

"At the beginning of this year, the bank loan of the company's investment construction period has reached the peak period of repayment of the interest payment, and the mobile funds are even worse, and commercial operations were in trouble. As soon as the large -scale tax refund policy came out, the taxation department came to counsel for tax refund tax refund. The tax of more than 28 million yuan quickly returned to the company's account, which doubled our confidence in development, "said the company's financial person in charge of the company.

Where is this tax refund? Juli Hua said that most of the funds were used to repay the expired bank loans and interest, and the rest were used to maintain stable output of electricity and ensure the stable output of power, and further improve the effectiveness of wind power generation. The tax -benefit policy helps the company to continue to lower the road of low -carbon environmental protection and sustainable development. The company will continue to grow stronger and stronger wind power clean energy industry, and better transform ecological and resource advantages into economic advantages and development advantages.

Zhang Yiqun, deputy chairman of the Performance Management Committee of the Chinese Finance Society, told the Securities Daily that the tax refund policy implemented this year has reduced the tax burden on enterprises, effectively helping enterprises to revitalize funds to increase efficiency, and promote the recovery of enterprises. In particular, the effect of helping the manufacturing industry is obvious, and it has a positive effect on accelerating the update of manufacturing equipment, technological transformation, product development, and expanding the market.

According to the VAT invoice data, from April to August, the sales revenue of enterprises that retained tax refund increased by 6.9%year -on -year, an increase of 4.6 percentage points higher than the tax -free enterprise. Among them, the sales revenue of manufacturing enterprises with tax refunds increased by 7.5%year -on -year, an increase of 4.2 percentage points higher than tax -free enterprises.

It is worth noting that the executive meeting of the State Council held on September 13 stated that the new value -added tax deductible to the manufacturing industry is returned, and the average time of the account will be reduced to 2 working days. The manufacturing enterprise has a tax refund of 32 billion yuan.

Bai Yanfeng said that the new value -added tax deduction of the manufacturing industry is refunded, which can further compress the time when the value -added tax retaining funds can be reserved to reach the taxpayer's hands, improve the efficiency of corporate funds, reduce the financial burden of the enterprise, and then help the manufacturing of our country. High -quality development of industry companies.

"The new value -added tax deduction of the manufacturing industry is refunded, which will not only help stabilize the production of manufacturing and realize its high -quality development, but also help the balance of supply chain supply chain of the industrial chain, thereby driving the development of the entire industry." Zhang Yiqun believes that he believes that Essence

He Daixin said that the expansion of tax refund scale this year is inseparable from the scope of tax refund. In the future, we should adhere to this direction of reform and continue to do related work. At the same time, the implementation of tax refunds involving tax refund involving taxes, finance and other departments to enhance communication and collaboration, consolidate and optimize existing working mechanisms. All parties still need to work together.

Our reporter Bao Xingan

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