Sichuan province's state-owned enterprises realized the total assets from January to August of 2.29 trillion yuan anchoring the annual target accelerated sprint 丨 to go all out to fight for the economy

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.19

Cover Journalist Xiong Yingying

The total amount of assets was 2.29 trillion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 16.6%; the total operating income was 367.7 billion yuan, an increase of 18.2%year -on -year; Transcript surrendered by regulatory enterprises.

On September 19, the reporter learned from the Sichuan Provincial SASAC that since this year, the Provincial SASAC and the provincial regulatory enterprise anchor the "four growth and one reasonable" goal, and strive to overcome the adverse effects of extreme high temperature, flood disasters, and repeated epidemic conditions. Responsibility, take the initiative, work hard, the production and operation of the enterprise is generally smooth and orderly, and the economic operation is steady. At present, the provincial regulatory enterprises are accelerating sprints to complete the annual target tasks.

In the first August, revenue increased by 56.7 billion yuan year -on -year

The main economic indicators are better than expected

On the whole, from January to August this year, the economic operation of the Sichuan province's regulatory enterprises showed that the main economic indicators were better than expected, the toughness of economic development, and the gradual improvement of economic operation.

As of the end of August, the provincial regulatory enterprise achieved total operating income by 56.7 billion yuan year -on -year, and the growth rate has always maintained more than two digits, exceeding the annual revenue growth target task (10%) about 8 percentage points; In addition to the factors such as airports and other factors, the total profit of other provincial enterprises has increased by 34.1%in addition to the serious loss of losses and provincial airport groups. Although the total profit realized the total profit of 9.97 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 4.1%, the decrease is narrowing from January to July July July. 7.4 percentage points, growth is better than expected.

At the same time, the provincial regulatory enterprise has paid an eye on infrastructure construction, increased technological innovation, and continuously consolidated the foundation of economic development. As of the end of August, the investment amount of fixed assets of provincial regulatory enterprises increased by 22.7 billion yuan year -on -year, an increase of 25.4%; the cumulative investment in R & D funding was 2.92 billion yuan, an increase of 1 billion yuan and an increase of 52.8%. At a speed of 20%), the intensity of R & D funding increased by 0.2 percentage points year -on -year; the scale of corporate assets has always maintained a growth rate of more than two digits, with a total of nearly 2.3 trillion yuan.

In terms of economic operation quality, the provincial regulatory enterprises have continued to carry out special actions to improve efficiency, and reduce costs, control two gold, pressure levels, and inventory. As of the end of August, the cost of paying per 100 yuan per 100 yuan per 100 yuan was 99.2 yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 0.2 yuan.

Provincial state -owned enterprise decisive battle throughout the year goals

The project at the end of the year is advanced to September

Only three months left in the end of 2022. Facing the "major tests" of epidemic prevention and control, earthquake relief, and production and operation, the pace of provincial state -owned enterprises to fight for the economy is also accelerating.

The reporter learned from the Sichuan Port Investment Group that its subordinates of Minjiang Company are fully promoting the task of project construction. The construction of the hub tail workers will be completed by 90 %, which will be completed at the end of the year. Such a key node; the old wood hole hub completes the construction of the I bidding project department; the first phase of the channel remediation will complete 60%of the channels involved in the channel involved in the channel and the dam construction of the two batch of 5 beaches; Construction of September.

▲ Minjiang River is a hub to carry out equipment hidden dangers to investigate and repair

The Kawakawa Group also refined the "13 measures" of the economic market and the "seventeen measures" to stabilize the "13 measures" of the economic market. For example, in terms of steady investment in project investment, Huarong Energy Company is happy to reserve the coal base in August this year. It has formed 600,000 tons of static coal storage capacity. Bay 5MW and Tao Jiadu 5MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project was completed and put into operation before the end of the year. In terms of implementing the growth of supply and stability, it will ensure the completion of 3 million tons of electrical and coal insurance supplies, 3.5 million tons of struggle, and 4 million tons of decisive battle.

▲ Sichuan Coal Group Huarong Dabao Dingding Coal Mine Intelligent comprehensive mining work surface

It is understood that from January to August, the Sichuan Coal Group has vigorously launched the "Red Hat" project+quality and efficiency improvement "activity, with cumulative revenue and profitability of 32.6%and 49.4%year -on -year. "At present, the company's companies are driving full -time for production, sprinting in September, and decisive in the fourth quarter of the decisive battle, seizing the whole year's" Manchuria "." Said the relevant person in charge of Sichuan Coal Group.

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