Weihai Mobile 5G special network empower the China Merchants Jinling Ship "Zhi"

Author:Weihai Evening News Time:2022.09.21

Recently, China Merchants Jinling Ship (Weihai) Co., Ltd. and Shandong Mobile Weihai Branch cooperated with the 5G+ship intelligent projects to be officially launched. The 5G technology empower industrial intellectual manufacturing and achieve "5G+ship intelligent manufacturing" so that the technicians are not enough to go to the factory. It can also complete equipment data collection and instructions to achieve the perfect combination of cost control and efficient operation and maintenance, bringing unlimited possibilities to the development of the ship manufacturing industry.

Through 5G+large -scale data collection, the real -time collection and transmission of design drawings, production equipment, energy management, and material management produced by the enterprise can be met. Through the advantages of 5G large bandwidth and low latency, various large -scale data are presented in the form of "one picture", enabling management personnel to monitor real -time monitoring and accurate control of the factory.

下一步计划开展厂区智能集配物流、车辆管理、智能仓储方面的合作,即利用5G网络,借助计划管理系统、LES系统、WMS系统及集成智能化硬件、物联网硬件与移动终端,实现物资集配、 Warehousing management comprehensive barcoding, non -paper -free operation, intelligent management, information visualization, optimizing the reasonable distribution of transportation vehicle resources in the plant, improving the efficiency of pre -production preparation, improving the efficiency of operation, shortening the material collection and inventory cycle, realizing refined operations, realizing refined operations , In the end, reduce the cost of production and operation of enterprises.

The development of the "5G+Shipping Intelligent Manufacturing" project has greatly improved the level of industrial intelligence in the ship manufacturing industry, laying a solid foundation for the application and development of 5G technology in the field of intelligent manufacturing.

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