Offline consumption vouchers are 94.27%!Chengdu consumption is a bit "burning"

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.06.22

Since its launch on May 20, Chengdu has issued 4 waves of offline consumer coupons.

A few days ago, China UnionPay Sichuan Branch released the transcript of Chengdu's "520" consumer coupon to promote consumption (that is, offline consumer coupons). Among several key data, the citizens' registration, merchant registration, and tickets for tickets are particularly noticeable, especially the verification rate. The offline consumer coupons reached 94.27%.

Implementing the spirit of the twelfth party congress in Sichuan Province, Chengdu can effectively drive investment in accordance with the requirements of "the epidemic must prevent, the economy must be stabilized, and the development must be safe." The market.

Behind 90%of the nuclear sales, 4 waves of consumer coupons are all received within 5 minutes. "The cumulative number of visitors on the event page reaches 18 million, and the number of online online at the same time exceeds 3 million." The relevant person in charge of China UnionPay Sichuan Branch said.

From a gender perspective, women are 293,700 more than men. From a age point of view, residents aged 25 to 50 are the main people participating, of which 30-40 years old account for 34.2%; people over 50 years old account for about 10%, and Volkswagen coupons are active.

The enthusiasm is not just citizens.

As of June 16, of the nearly 20,000 market entities successfully registered, 13,597 brands and 3,2005 stores were successfully registered. There were tens of thousands of market entities independently registered through online channels.

According to the industry classification, retail stores account for 66.76%, and catering stores account for 30.62%. In addition, there are gas stations -in the past month, the "receiving consumption coupon refueling" has indeed blew a wave in Chengdu.

China UnionPay Sichuan Branch also revealed that the data analysis of the total number of orders for the nuclear sales order found that the total number of orders for the retail industry has the highest total, and the total number of orders at gas stations followed closely.

There are more "small and micro enterprises", looking forward to finding consumer confidence from Chengdu's "520" consumer voucher activities.

Data show that in local events, there are 5094 brands and 9,542 stores in Chengdu's individual industrial and commercial households, and 67%and 41%among businesses that have occurred in nuclear deposit transactions, respectively. The "multiplication effect" played by consumer vouchers is adding consumer vitality to small and micro enterprises.

From offline consumer vouchers to digital RMB consumer coupons issued by "new" to "2022 Park City Green Consumption Promotion Activities" in full swing ... Chengdu's "tentacles" of consumer vitality, directly to offline, online, online, online, online, online, online, online, online, online, online, Also follow green and low -carbon. It is understood that there are more consumer activities in Chengdu. Under the premise of normalization of the epidemic, offline consumer vouchers will continue to be issued in July; at the same time, Chengdu will also grab the consumption in the summer of July and August At a favorable time, the 2022 Chengdu outdoor music beer season event was held. The purpose was to combine the combination of summer food and beer to use various wonderful performing arts programs to link tourism, catering and other related industries to stimulate consumer vitality.

Consumption activities, scene vitality, policy living water ... A "living" word is one of the keys to maintaining the toughness of economic development in the "stress test" of economic downturn. On the 21st, Chengdu's "Enhanced Development Resilience to Stability and Stability of Economic Growth Several Policies and Measures" was officially announced. Chengdu is under pressure to move forward, accurately develop, and make every effort to stabilize growth, stabilize market entities, and ensure employment to ensure that the economic market is stable and far away. The dynamic energy vitality of the park is burst out.

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