British medical cancellation of two wholly -owned companies has previously faced investors' claims

Author:Public Securities News Time:2022.09.22

On September 21, Yingke Medical (300677) issued an announcement saying that the company recently received a notice from the cancellation of Hunan Yingke and wholly -owned Sun company Hunan Industrial and Commerce for the company. As of the announcement date, the registration procedures for the cancellation of the registered registration procedures of Hunan Yingke and Hunan Yingyi have been completed.

Public information shows that the project investment plans of Hunan Yingke and Hunan Yingyi are 4 billion yuan and 1 billion yuan, respectively. In June of this year, Yingke Medical said that the above two projects have not yet been built. In view of the changes in policies and markets, it is not conducive to the implementation of the project, and the company finally decided to terminate the above two projects.

Regarding the impact of the cancellation on the company, Yingke Medical stated that the relevant expenses incurred from Hunan Yingke and Hunan Yingyi have been included in the current profit and loss. After this cancellation is completed, the scope of the company's merger statement will change accordingly, but it will not have a substantial impact on the company's merger statement, nor will it have a substantial impact on the development of the company's overall business and production and operation.

It is worth noting that on March 29, 2021, British Medical had a regulatory letter issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for not disclosing affiliated transactions.

The regulatory letter pointed out that the amount of raw materials for the 2020s of the 2019 shareholders' meeting of British Medical General Assembly and approved by the 2020 was 25 million yuan. On March 15, 2021, the company disclosed that in 2020, the company and Haode latex actually purchased 406.8418 million yuan, exceeding the review quota of 156.8418 million yuan, exceeding the company's 4.26%of the company's net assets at the end of the first half of 2020. The above behavior violated the relevant regulations of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

In response to the above -mentioned illegal facts, Lawyer Wu Lijun of Shanghai Dongfang Cambridge Law Firm stated that in accordance with the judicial interpretation of the Securities Law and the false statement of securities infringement civil claims, damaged investors can file a lawsuit with British medical care. Any damaged investor who bought British Medical Care from January 4, 2021 to March 15, 2021, and when the stock still holds the stock on March 15, 2021, can pass the public account "Volkswagen Securities Securities Securities Securities Securities Report (Feature Code: 18018) Register and participate in claims.

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