Mirror View Jilin 丨 Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival is approaching, "Jilin Rice" autumn harvest is picturesque

Author:Jilin Radio and TV Station Time:2022.09.22

The pine tender plains, the autumn wind is refreshing, the fertile black soil, the 10,000 hectares of good field rice will be cooked.In the rice planting area of Longjia Street, Jiu Tai District, Changchun City, Longjia Street, Gongling City, and Nanzi Street, rice, the rice grains are full, the ears of the rice are low, and the autumn harvest kicks off.

Jilin Province is located in the "Golden Rice Belt".The rice waves are surging, Tianchou is intertwined, and fertile wild fragrances have bred rice that is like sand, bright like jade, and sprayed rice.In recent years, the province has accelerated the development of modern agriculture. Through tree brands, alliances, setting standards, platforms, and channels, Jilin rice not only tastes more "fragrant", but also becomes more "loud".

Today, "Jilin Rice" has become the "first brand" of Jilin Agriculture and is loved by consumers from various places.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Edit: Jiang Chenchen

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