Shandong Laiyang: Promote the facilitation of cross -border trade, and promote the continuous development of cross -border trade

Author:Laiyang, Lixiang Time:2022.09.22

(通讯员崔永飞)为更好地服务全市外贸企业,莱阳市立足实际,积极打出优服务、提效率、优环境“组合拳”,着力优化营商环境,持续推进跨境贸易便利化,辅导好、 Serving local import and export companies, enhancing the international competitiveness of local high -quality products, and injecting new vitality into enterprise development.

Promote foreign trade enterprises for foreign trade transformation and upgrading according to local conditions. With the opportunity of the national foreign trade transformation and upgrading base, comprehensively accelerate the pace of transformation of agricultural extensive processing to the process of manufacturing and manufacturing of foods, encourage foreign trade backbone enterprises such as Longda Group and Chunxue Food for equipment technology upgrades, new product research and development, new project investment, and increase export products additional additional export products additional products The value of value and international trade has initially established a foreign trade pattern with strong driving force, large number of backbone enterprises, and rapid development of small and medium -sized enterprises.

Actively open up the international market and help companies stabilize market orders. Under the premise of doing a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic, actively promoting the exhibition mode of "offline exhibition display+on -site professional service+online video negotiation". The exhibition will continue to help enterprises open up the international market.

Increase coordination and improve service levels. Under the influence of the epidemic, a proof of force majeure has been coordinated for foreign trade enterprises, reducing the economic losses of the enterprise; actively helping enterprises apply for support for export credit insurance funds, reducing the cost of enterprise exports; actively helping enterprises apply for special fund support for foreign economic and trade development, supporting enterprises to support enterprises Development of import and export business.

Simplify the audit process and improve the level of trade facilitation. The Laiyang Commerce Bureau simplifies the work process of the foreign trade operator's filing, continuously improves efficiency, realizes the paperless network office, and can apply for the paper version filing form on the day of the review, which reduces the time cost of the enterprise.

In the next step, the Laiyang Commercial Bureau will continue to increase the service efforts of the enterprise, optimize the work process, improve work efficiency, reduce corporate costs, provide enterprises with better services, more convenient environments, improve the business environment, promote Laiyang City Cross -border trade has continued to develop.

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