7 companies in Gao Mi City are shortlisted for the top 100 provincial private enterprises list list

Author:Gao Mi Rong Media Time:2022.09.23

Recently, the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, the Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Taxation Bureau, and the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau decided to jointly carry out the 2022 Shandong private enterprises The top 100 series list declaration and release activities. Gaomi Hao Mai Group Co., Ltd. was shortlisted for the top 10 leaders in the high -end equipment industry in Shandong Province, the top 100 private enterprises were innovated, and the top 100 employment was attracted; Shengqi Port Storage Logistics Company was shortlisted for the top 10 in the modern logistics industry in Shandong Province; Xingyu gloves were shortlisted in Shandong. The top 100 private enterprises are innovated and the top 100 employment is attracted; Zepu Medical Co., Ltd. is shortlisted for the top 100 innovation of private enterprises in Shandong Province; Silver Eagle Chemical Fiber Company, Haiyu Co., Ltd., and Horwa are shortlisted for the top 100 innovation potential of Shandong private enterprises.

The private economy is an indispensable part of the economic development of Gao Mi. In recent years, the municipal party committee and municipal government have focused on promoting the structural reform of the supply side, focusing on accelerating the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, creating a good environment for the development of the private economy, promoting the rapid and healthy development of the private economy, and building a relatively complete industrial chain, outstanding leading industrial advantages, support for backbone enterprises support The county economic development pattern of supporting and cooperatives of small and medium -sized enterprises. It has won the honorary title of "national name" such as national science and technology innovation demonstration counties, national trademarks, top 100 trademark counties, Chinese family spinning cities, Chinese shoe industry production bases, and China's safety protection supplies industry famous cities. This time, many companies shortlisted for the top 100 provincial private enterprises were fully affirmed by the development of our civic economy.

Since the beginning of this year, Gao Mi has unswervingly implement the strategy of “industrial cities, industrial buildings, intellectual buildings, and new cities in the Hong Kong”, and take “respecting entrepreneurs, concerned entrepreneurs, and service entrepreneurs” as the key to help enterprises stabilize the economy. Measures, further create a good atmosphere of the development of the private economy, and continuously create a new situation in the construction of a modern city of Modernization, which is rich and harmonious.

(Supply: Li Xiaoyan)

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