Welcome to the 20th National Congress | Famous and famous enterprises have become "locomotives" to upgrade files!Yunnan's group of highly competitive plateau characteristic agricultural brand groups have accelerated the formation

Author:Yunnan released Time:2022.09.23

In Jinqiu, the "Top 10 Famous Products" and the "Top 10 Enterprises" and "Top 10 Innovative Enterprises" selection and commendation conference in Yunnan Province arrived as expected.

In the five years in the event, the whole province has practiced the strategy of strengthening the brand's strong agriculture, and insisted on cultivating and building agricultural brands as an important starting point for promoting the structural reform of agricultural supply side. The benefits are significantly improved. Through the selection of for 5 consecutive years, a strong motivation has been injected into the province's agricultural brand cultivation. A group of boutique brands with excellent products, good reputation, strong industrial driving, and core competitiveness are accelerating. Essence

Famous products and famous enterprises are an important symbol of the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and it is an important means for Xingnong and strong farmers. From the upgrade of "whether there is" to "good or not good", Yunnan actively adapt to the transformation of consumer demand, achieve a higher level of supply and demand balance, and the degree of agricultural brandization and industrialization increasingly improved.

Tree brand vertical

The road to agricultural reshaping is solidly moving forward

With the unique natural resources and climate resources, Yunnan has rich products, but it is difficult to sell good products. In order to solve this problem, the leading agricultural enterprises in Yunnan worked as pioneers.

After a lapse of 8 years, the reporter came to Kunming Rising Sun Rotary Fenghua Agricultural Technology Company in Shilin Yi Autonomous County again. It was seen in the company's edible fungus planting professional cooperatives. , Extremely good. The cooperative members gently cut the golden fungus from the fungus stick, and then packed and shipped. Only 24 hours can be delivered to the tables of citizens of cities such as North, Shang, Guang, and Shenzhen in just 24 hours.

In 2014, Kunming Rising Sun Fenghua Agricultural Technology Company came to Shilin County to open a professional cooperative of edible fungus planting. Because of the limitations of traditional planting methods, the quality is uneven.

Today, the sales of high -quality Yuner in domestic catering and supermarkets have been fully opened and exported to Japan and other countries. Sometimes it is difficult to find a "ear". “做到这一成绩并不容易。近年来,企业通过科学技术提高内生动力,打造具备专业化、精细化、特色化、新颖化特征的企业和品牌。通过标准化种植生产出价格、产能、 Products with stable quality. Through new cooperative models, the entire industry chain is created to ensure the sustainable development of the industry. Cultivate local talents and develop ordinary farmers into professional farmers. "Yao Yuan, general manager of Kunming Rising Sun Rising Toyo Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.

Behind the good brand is hard quality. To cultivate agricultural brands, it is also necessary to change the entire chain of the agricultural industry. Only the "roots" of quality can deeply conserve the "leaves" of the brand.

The "10 famous products" for two consecutive years are one of the representatives of the hard quality of Yunnan agricultural agricultural. In recent years, a large number of Yunnan agricultural enterprises adapt to local conditions, accurately grasp the market supply and demand, and strengthen the industrial chain, and promote many high -quality agricultural products in Yunnan to a larger market.

The award -winning companies and brands selected this time are well -known enterprises and brand representatives in the Yunnan Plateau characteristic agricultural participation industry. "Brand embroidery ball flower," Fengdao "brand chrysanthemum has been selected for 5 consecutive years, and 6 brands such as Lijiang Huaping Golden Mango Ecological Development Co., Ltd. have entered the list for 4 years ...

The specific paths of the successful successful companies are different, but the ideas of upgrading industries and strong chain supplements are consistent. Chen Liubin, general manager of Erhai Chensheng Tea Industry Co., Ltd. said: "We use the concept of pharmaceutical tea to make tea and develop the green tea industry as an important development direction of the company." , To the arch of the arched shed, and then the integrated planting of water and fertilizer in the standard greenhouse, witnessed the butterfly changes of the cloud flower industry. "

In recent years, the overall quality and competitiveness of the Yunnan Plateau's characteristic agriculture have been increasing. The characteristics of characteristic industries have risen rapidly. Fresh cut flowers, rubber, coffee, roasted tobacco, walnuts, Australian nuts, Chinese medicinal materials planting area and output remain No. 1 nationwide, sugar cane area, output maintained second place in the country, tea area and output jumping in the first country in the country The production of vegetables and fruits ranks 11th and 13th nationwide, respectively. 19 new national agricultural industrialization leaders have been added. In 2021, the comprehensive output value of key green food industries increased by 12%. Continue to carry out the selection of "10 famous products", the influence of the green "cloud product" brand has increased significantly.

Agential layout

Agricultural modernization of routines is steady

The five years of the "Top 10 Famous Products" and "Top 10 Enterprises" and "Top 10 Innovative Enterprises" in Yunnan Province were held in five years. Agricultural products went out and won the market.

In the past five years, Yunnan agriculture with green as its background has continuously adjusted its structure and excellent layout to release more powerful development momentum.

In June of this year, the "Three -year Action Plan for Agricultural Modernization in Yunnan Province (2022-2024)" was issued, and the implementation of various implementation was immediately rolled out. The Provincial Department of Agricultural and Rural Affairs conducted in -depth research on 16 key tasks of three years, 43 key projects, 16 provincial key projects, and 31 key reserve projects, and formulated quarterly dispatching, investigation research, regular business and other working mechanisms to ensure ensuring The work is research, deployment, tracking, and implementation. Based on the "green food brand" working team and experts, 11 working groups and 11 expert groups were established to establish a face -to -face service and guidance for key projects and major tasks in accordance with the first -line working law. Promoting the linkage up and down, the states (cities) combined with local actualities, formulated three years of action, and established a work promotion mechanism. As of September 17, Honghe, Baoshan, Chu Xiong, Pu'er, Lijiang, and Diqing have issued three years of operation, and the other 10 states (cities) are reporting in accordance with the procedures. Based on the current development status of the characteristic agricultural characteristics of the Yunnan Plateau, the "Plan" is based on tea, flowers, vegetables, fruits, nuts, coffee, Chinese medicinal materials, beef beef -beef -beef's key industries based on the key industry. "Key industries.

The changes that followed were also reflected in this selection. On the basis of maintaining the total number of selection, the coffee industry is included in the selection scope for the first time, and the flower and coffee adjustment is selected at 7: 3.

Hu Lu, vice chairman of the Provincial Coffee Industry Association, believes that the coffee company's first run for the "Top Ten Famous Products" shows that the Yunnan coffee industry has attracted significantly. From the perspective of industry and industry, the overall strength of Yunnan coffee companies is not strong. Compared with other industries in Yunnan, the overall volume is small. However, I believe that with the encouragement of the selection, the industrial development atmosphere of "comparison, learning, catching up, ganging, and super" will be created, and a "strong heart needle" will be used to create a 100 billion -level coffee industry in Yunnan.

Sun Zhiqing, chairman of Yunnan Nongke Coffee Co., Ltd., said that "Yunbin" has won the "Top Ten Famous Products" in Kunming City for three consecutive years. Breakthrough and move towards higher steps.

During the optimization forward, agricultural enterprises, as the main agricultural company of the Yunnan Plateau, under the guidance of various policies, highlight their own advantages, and use online forces and offline reinforcement; The method has gradually stepped out of the new path of the development of Yunnan agricultural enterprises.

On the eve of this year's harvest festival, JD.com released the "2018-2022 Landmark Agricultural Products upward trend report" showing that in the past 5 years, the turnover of Yunnan agricultural products sold online has increased year after year, with an average annual increase of 50%. "Cloud" coffee beans, ham, rice noodles, Sanqi, flower cakes, blueberries and other products have become hot search words for netizens.

Pinduoduo cooperated with Yunnan. Almost all the project layouts fell on the characteristic agriculture of the Yunnan Plateau. From Snow lotus fruit, pomegranate, coffee to Nuo Deng ham, each product created good sales on Pinduoduo platform.

Today, through the improvement of policies, a number of new industries and measures have been promoted to promote the implementation of a number of industrial policies and measures such as the improvement of coffee boutiques and deep processing rates. The country is the first in the country; through the industrial cluster, the four industrial clusters of flowers, vegetables, beef and coffee, and a total of 750 million yuan in the central awards are obtained. "Demonstration creation and special county cultivation, strengthen project service guidance, tracking and scheduling, and dynamic assessment to form a benign competitive atmosphere of the fittest; by focusing on major project scheduling, the 43 key projects proposed in the" Plan "are scheduled in the quarter. At present, the implementation has been launched, and staged results have been achieved.

According to the data provided by the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department, as of the end of August, the key industries of "1+10+3" key industries were healthy and stable. Among them, the grain industry, the area of ​​summer grain sowing and the production of double growth, the planting area of ​​the autumn grain is 48.24 million mu, which is expected to get a harvest again; the pig out of the pigs is 25 million heads, an increase of 8.7%year -on -year; 20.2 million tons, a year -on -year increase of 5.5%; the fruit in the park covers an area of ​​11.5 million acres, which is the same as last year, with an output of 8.7 million tons, an increase of 10%year -on -year; the natural rubber planting area is 8.41 million mu, the year -on -year is flat, and the output of dry glue is 179,000 tons. Increasing 23.7%; tea, flowers, nuts, coffee, Chinese medicinal materials, cattle and sheep, rural tourism, tobacco, sucrose and other industries have developed steadily.

In the golden autumn season, the vast fields are morality. In the field of workshops, agricultural enterprises showed their responsibilities. A large number of high -quality "cloud products" and cloud enterprises have driven the Yunnan Plateau's characteristic agriculture to upgrade and upgrade to higher goals.

Written article: Wang Shujuan

Source: Yunnan Daily

Edit: Guo Wanting

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