Welcome to the Fifth Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival | Bumper Gargage Rice Full Grain

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.09.23

Follow the highway to the direction of the entrepreneurial farm of Beida Wasteen Group ... 9:42 on September 16th, the big trucks with new grains were carried into view. The food that is neatly arranged on the side of the highway is built in the golden fields, and the rice waves are rolling with the wind. On the other side of the highway, the harvester roar, the lively and extraordinary, set off a wave of rice harvest.

Rice harvest

The reporter walked into the rice fields, the scent of rice was overflowing, the ears of the rice were full, and the hands were touched. The grower Li Chuanyin told reporters: "My family has a total of 210 acres of rice. Only 3 small harvesters have been hired this year, and the harvesting tasks can be completed in a day and a half."

Song Yongchang, the Ministry of Agriculture Development of Entrepreneurship Farm Co., Ltd., said that through rice cutting, it can effectively reduce the phenomenon of inverted and premature aging, reduce the gains brought about by bad weather and the comprehensive losses of food, and ensure that the majority of growers are harvested.

The roaring machine was busy harvest, and the granules returned to the food and caught. In the golden fields of Kitagawa Farm Co., Ltd., the mature rice exudes a refreshing fragrance.

In the Fuyuan Management Zone, the rice that had been cut a few days ago has been exposed to the sun after four days of wind, and the measurement of the water has reached the standard of harvest. The seven Taihe locomotive shows his skills. The straw stalks from the tail of the locomotive and returned to the field. The remaining golden rice is sprinkled along the cars in the cars. A car full of food is shuttled in the field, forming a golden picture of a bumper harvest.

"I started picking up the He today, and I got a bumper harvest. The yield per mu was 1260 catties. We drove enough horsepower to ensure that the grain particles were returned to the position." Yang Mingcheng, a grower in Fuyuan Management Zone, was full of joy on his face.

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

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