Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission: The momentum of real estate financial foaming is substantially reversed

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.09.23

The person in charge of the relevant departments of the CBRC said on September 23 that it is currently at a critical point of economic recovery, and economic operations are facing some super -expected factors. The potential and maneuver are large, and the good situation of continuous recovery has not changed. The elements and conditions that support high -quality development have not changed. my country's banking industry insurance industry has stable operation, risk resistance has significantly enhanced, asset quality has remained stable as a whole, and risks are completely controllable.

The person in charge of the relevant departments of the CBRC said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's financial reform and development have achieved a series of historic achievements. Especially since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the financial industry has made new major progress in serving the real economy, preventing and controlling financial risks, and deepening financial reform. The total assets of the banking industry and the national foreign exchange reserve ranks first in the world. The total market value of the stock, the total bond balance, and the insurance market size are second in the world.

Preventing and resolving financial risks is the fundamental task and eternal theme of financial work. The person in charge of the relevant departments of the CBRC said that in the past five years, under the advance command of the State Council's Financial Commission, the financial system conscientiously implemented the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. The party committee and government and various departments of the central government actively prevent and resolve the hidden dangers of various types of risks. After hard work, the risks of key areas have changed from rapid divergence to obvious convergence to prevent and resolve important stages of results.

The first is a significant decline in financial leverage. The blind expansion of financial assets, and the falsehood of reality can be effectively curbed. Since 2017, the average annual growth rate of the banking industry assets is 8.2%, which is less than half of the average annual growth rate of assets from 2009 to 2016. During the same period, the average annual growth rate of bank loans and social finances was above 12%and 14%, respectively. The proportion of assets in the financial system has decreased significantly.

Second, the banking industry's non -performing assets have been promoted and promoted. From July 2017 to the end of July 2022, a total of 13.5 trillion yuan of non -performing assets was disposed of, exceeding the total amount of disposal in the previous 12 years. This has won the initiative and policy space for the adverse rebounds that may be affected by the epidemic.

The third is the continuous convergence of shadow bank risks. As of the end of the first half of this year, high -risk credit shadow banks have dropped by about 29 trillion yuan compared with historical peak voltage pressure, which contains huge hidden dangers to withdraw money from the market. Interbank financial management has decreased by 99%compared with peak pressure. Interbank investment and non -standard financing are significantly significantly. reduce. The international financial community evaluated China to avoid a financial crisis.

Fourth, financial violations are severely punished. In accordance with the law, the enterprises such as Anbang Group and Huaxin Group have been dealt with, and the six insurance trust institutions have been completed in charge of the contractor bank and the "Tomorrow Department". The number of illegal fund -raising cases, the amount involved, and the number of cases involved declined for three consecutive years. Since 2017, the regulatory authorities have punished 18,700 bank insurance institutions, with a total of 14.037 billion yuan, exceeding the total administrative penalty of more than ten years.

Fifth, the impact of external risks should be planted. Adhere to the stable monetary policy, resist the temptation of excessive stimuli, do not engage in "big water", and basically match monetary supply and social financing scale and nominal economic growth. The domestic financial market maintains smoothly, and the financial system shows strong toughness. In August this year, the residents' consumer price index (CPI) rose 2.5%year -on -year, maintaining the total level of total price stability in the background of the global high inflation.

Sixth, the momentum of real estate financial foaming is substantially reversed. Adhere to the positioning of "housing and not frying", focusing on the goal of "stable price, stable house prices, and stable expectations", and continuously improve the long -term mechanism of real estate financial management. Reasonably meet the financing needs of the real estate market, and stabilize the risk of some heads such as Evergrande.

Seventh, the risk of hidden debt of local governments has been stable. Increment risk has been basically controlled, and the resolution of stock risks is advancing in an orderly manner.

Eighth, the risk of debt risks of some large and medium -sized enterprises is stable and resolved. Bohai Iron and Steel, HNA Group, Northeast Special Steel, Peking University Fangzheng and other large -scale debt risk incidents with huge debt and extensive corporate debt were handled smoothly. As of the end of August this year, the amount of market -oriented debt -to -equity switch to the land transfer was approximately 2 trillion yuan.

Responsible editor: Shi Jian | Audit: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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