Banking Insurance Regulatory Commission: In the first half of the year, 21 major banks reducing service costs for other various market entities were 137.5 billion yuan

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.09.23

21st Century Business Herald reporter Li Yue Beijing report

On September 23, the CBRC issued a statement that in the first half of this year, the cost of reducing services for other various market entities was 137.5 billion yuan, an increase of 9.5%year -on -year. He also said that the next step will continue to urge banking agencies to conscientiously implement the relevant decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, earnestly do financial services, and make reasonable benefits to other market entities through management improvement, process optimization, and technological progress.

In order to better meet the needs of the basic and functional financial services of the economic life, earlier this year, the CBRC issued the "Guiding Opinions on Regulating the Management of the Banking Service Market Regulatory Price Management" and officially implemented it on May 1. This document follows the principle of marketization and rule of law, from compacting the main responsibility of the institution, standardized service pricing method and price calibration mechanism, clear service and price matching requirements, strengthening service price information disclosure, improving service outsourcing and cooperative business price management, encouraging active initiative Seven aspects such as benefit enterprises and the people, the setting of service price behavior supervision of the red line clearly have clear regulatory requirements, and promote the implementation of refined and scientific management of the banking institutions to the service prices, and further tap and release the potential of fees.

It is reported that after the document was issued, the CBRC's policy interpretation, window counseling, questionnaire survey and other means to promote bank institutions to earnestly implement document requirements. The survey shows that 21 major banks have re -sorted and evaluated service items and price standards, with an average of 14 billing service items, and the average of 16 billing services prices will be reduced. The annual annual increase and reduction fee is 6.2 billion yuan.

"From the perspective of long -term implementation effects, the banking industry has made mechanism arrangements such as standardized service pricing methods, introducing price calibration mechanisms, implementing more refined management, and strengthening operation guidance and restraint branches. Actual expenditure, "said the CBRC.

According to the CBRC, according to the feedback of 21 major banks, the long -term mechanism effect is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Strengthen service price management functions. More than 85%of the investigated banks have improved the functions of the board of directors and senior management of the overall service price management, and coordinated the relationship between the target and the pursuit of their own business goals. The branches are generally given greater reduction permissions to achieve further cost reduction targets during execution. Established a regular assessment service price mechanism, and more than 60 % of the investigated banks conduct a review of service items and price standards each year.

Standardize service pricing and calibration mechanisms. The investigated bank introduced the three price calibration mechanisms of homogeneous comparisons, cross -date cost assessment, and actual price constraints, and the overall accumulation of more than 600 service prices has been reduced or reduced. The 80 % agreement pricing items strengthened the management and control by clarifying the reference standards, setting the review limit, and the improvement of service record retention requirements. The 40 % proportion pricing project introduced the upper limit of the price to avoid excessive actual execution. The optimization of the 30 % range pricing project has adjusted the price range settings to reduce the actual implementation price. Some external cost pricing projects adopt the principle of flat and flat pricing pricing, and the income is mainly used to offset procurement costs.

Strict monitoring service charges. The investigation banks generally improve the cost confirmation and return mechanism of prepaid or cyclical services, solve practical problems such as changes in actual service requirements or early termination, and make service prices match the quality and efficiency of service. The design and pricing of the service package combination and the annual service plan, the necessary basic service in the service portfolio can be provided separately. We have strengthened the requirements of the transaction link price notification, improve the information disclosure of information such as preferential measures, price adjustment, automatic renewal arrangements, credit financing -related fees, and recommendations of partners recommending business to ensure that customers know the right to know.

Strengthen service outsourcing and cooperative business price management. From the perspective of service behavior and financing costs, most of the investigated banks have clarified the management requirements of outsourcing and cooperation matters, price terms, information disclosure and prohibited behaviors, sorted out and evaluated existing service items and third -party charges, and adjusted the list of third -party institutions. Individual banks have also terminated cooperation with eight toll quality and prices that do not match third -party institutions. Based on reducing the cost of corporate financing costs, 17 projects that cooperate with third -party institutions have been canceled.

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