The city's only!She won this national award

Author:Dami Huangpi Time:2022.09.23

Recently, Hu Dan, a farmer in Huangpi District, Wuhan, won the third prize of the "Great Master's Craftsman" Skills Competition, becoming the only award -winning player in the city.

This contest is hosted by the National Agricultural Technology Promotion Service Center and other units. It aims to build a big stage led by skill display and demonstration. 35 players from all over the country are competing on the same stage. Hu Dan, a planting ability in Huangpi District, Wuhan City, is one of the two players selected by Hubei Province.

On -site competitions are divided into two links of knowledge competition and skill competition. The knowledge competition topics cover the fields of seeds, plant protection, water fertilizer, cultivation and other fields. Skills competition inspect players' crop production skills levels and show their best skills.

After the competition, the participating representatives observed the contest, the core demonstration area of ​​the "tons of food" in Leling City, Shandong Province, Baizao Garden and the Museum of Confinement. The female contestants also participated in the "Great Power Master Craftsman" Symposium.

Hu Dan was impressed by the core demonstration area of ​​the "tons of half grain" that mainly planted wheat and corn: "We have risen to each other through this competition, learn from each other, and learn from each other. As a leading geese, we will better drive our local agriculture Development, so as to achieve the "big enterprise standing upright, small enterprises are overwhelming '."

This competition is a series of activities of the Fifth Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival. The theme of the Farmers Harvest Festival this year is based on the "Qingfeng Harvest Welcome Ceremony". More than 500 representatives from more than 20 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) across the country participated in the event on the spot. , Learn the live broadcast of platforms and other platforms simultaneously, with a total of more than 500,000 viewing.

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