Increase support!The State Council has deployed to further stabilize foreign trade and stabilize for

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.08

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 8th: Increase support! The State Council deployed further stabilizing foreign trade and stabilizing foreign investment

Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Xiyao

The State Council executive meeting held on the 8th pointed out that opening up to the outside world is the basic national policy of my country. The overall situation of employment must further expand opening up. While implementing the policy of stabilizing foreign trade and stabilizing foreign capital, further increase support.

The stability of production and circulation of foreign trade enterprises in foreign trade is currently the top priority of stabilizing foreign trade and stable foreign investment. The meeting proposed that the role of stabilizing foreign trade and stable foreign trade at all levels, logistics insurance and unintended mechanisms, and timely coordinated the difficulty of resolving foreign trade and foreign -funded enterprises' re -production and project construction. Guide local innovation to stabilize foreign trade and stabilize foreign investment measures.

Wang Shouwen, deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce and deputy representative of the International Trade Negotiation, introduced at the routine briefing meeting held by the State Council on the same day that the Ministry of Commerce will closely monitor the operation of foreign trade with various localities and relevant departments, while instructing various places at the same time to guide various places Combined with reality, some local support measures are introduced to improve policy implementation efficiency, so that enterprises can achieve stable growth and improve quality by enjoying policy dividends.

Enterprises with good tax refund and credit refunds in the staged tax refund within 3 working days, expand the import of high -quality products, accelerate the improvement of port loading and unloading and customs clearance efficiency, research staged and exemption of ports related to ports ... The meeting is promoted to promote the promotion The quality of foreign trade stability has made a series of increased deployment.

Accelerating export tax rebate helps to alleviate the cost and capital pressure of foreign trade enterprises. Li Xingqian, director of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, stated at the hair dryer that the next step is to strengthen the export credit insurance and the export tax refund policy, and treat the enterprise's export credit insurance compensation for foreign exchange collection, allowing enterprises to handle tax refund.

The meeting also proposed to actively attract foreign investment. Create a market -oriented international business environment and stabilize enterprise expectations. The gradient transfer support policies of processing trade with greater efforts are introduced. Expand the encouragement category of foreign -invested manufacturing in the central and western regions.

Wang Shouwen said that the Ministry of Commerce will continue to play the role of specialized in key foreign -funded projects, give full play to the role of regular exchanges with foreign -funded enterprises and normalized exchanges, and provide a better business environment for foreign -funded enterprises. In conjunction with relevant departments, the \"Encouraging Foreign Investment Industry Catalogs\" is accelerating to further expand the scope of encouraged industries. Foreign -funded enterprises will enjoy a series of benefits if they invest in, production and operation in these industries.

[Editor in charge: Xu Haizhi]

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