Dingxi City Storm District: Promote the development and growth of the animal husbandry industry

Author:Gansu released Time:2022.09.24

Since the beginning of this year, it is known as the regional characteristics, resource endowment, and the foundation of the masses, and continued to promote the development of the animal husbandry industry.

Nowadays, walk into the Gansu Zhongao Green Ecological Farmers' professional cooperatives in Gouyi Town, Dingxi City, and the tall cow houses in the tall and tall cows are refined.

According to reports, Gansu Zhongao Green Ecological Farmers Professional Cooperative forms beef cattle, cows, and breeding the "one -stop" chain through the "cooperative+base+planting" model. At present, there are more than 50 cooperatives. At the same time, actively encouraged the surrounding farmers to invest in dividends and drive the masses to increase their income and become rich.

Since the beginning of this year, it is known as the regional characteristics, resource endowment, and the foundation of the masses, and continued to promote the development and growth of the animal husbandry industry according to local conditions.

"930 cold sheep in the existing column of the cooperative, more than 2,000 annual columns." Jia Yaowen, head of the Qinxiang Yuanyuan Professional Cooperative of Daeding District, said that in order to facilitate management, we installed cameras around the sheepfolis, on the computer and mobile phones on the computer and mobile phones. Can be monitored at any time to go to the herd dynamics.

Dingxi Qinxiang Yuanyuan Breeding Professional Cooperative

The strong development of the aquaculture industry is inseparable from the support of the pasture industry. Dingxi Lianxin Agricultural and Narcotic Farmers' Professional Cooperatives are one of the cooperatives that focus on the development of cultivation and grass herds in Gouyi Town. The cooperative signed an acquisition agreement with the surrounding pastoral growers at a price of 300 yuan per ton, and the annual acquisition of more than 60 tons of pastoral grass has been acquired, driving 40 surrounding people to stabilize the income.

In addition, the cooperatives strive for a collective economic project of 500,000 yuan in villages, and the collective dividend of 30,000 yuan is collectively divided into Ping'an Village every year at a ratio of 6%to promote the income of the collective economy of Ping'an Village.

To develop breeding, epidemic prevention work is essential. The "1+1+1" epidemic prevention model is implemented in Gouyi Town, that is, a model of a veterinary station staff, a village -level epidemic prevention person and a village cadre. The requirements of not leaking animals and animals are not leaked. "Actively and steadily complete the mandatory immune work of animals. The cumulative vaccination of more than 50,000 heads (only, times) of livestock and poultry, with an earmark rate of 100%. Rate 100%.

Large -scale breeding bases have risen, and animal product cooperatives are developing and growing. Up to now, Corinet Town has 4200 cows, 6,5200 sheep farmers, 3838 farming pigs, 210 sika deer, 23 newly developed beef beef cattle, 102 farmers with newly developed meat sheep There are 127 households, 11 farmers of farming, 2 households of breeding bidding soldiers, and 3 newly built large -scale farms. (New Gansu · Gansu Daily Correspondent Zhang Xiaohui)

Source: New Gansu Client

Edit: Du Ying Editor: Zhu Wang School Review: Wang Xuexiang

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