Sudden!After a huge loss of more than 20 billion yuan, this big pig farmer announced: over 500 milli

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.06.08

After a total loss of more than 20 billion yuan last year and the first quarter of this year, the funds chain of A -share pig farming enterprise Zhengbang Technology (SZ002157, a share price of 6.15 yuan, and a market value of 19.35 billion yuan) again rushed.

On the evening of June 8, Zhengbang Technology issued an announcement saying that due to the influence of the pig cycle, the company and the subsidiary Jiangxi Zhengbang Breeding Co., Ltd., etc., have recently occurred due to the tension of mobile funds overdue. As of the disclosure of the announcement, the total amount of overdue payment was 542 million yuan. This is the first time that the company has experienced business tickets.

According to the Shanghai Securities Journal, the reporter learned from the relevant person in charge of Zhengbang Technology that the company has held a meeting overnight and explained the non -timely payment of the business tickets. The agency attended the meeting. The above -mentioned person in charge stated that the company will actively negotiate with the creditors and properly handle related business tickets to overdue the overdue.

According to disclosure, the business ticket is overdue or the company is facing risks such as lawsuits and arbitration.

In fact, the capital pressure of Zhengbang Technology had previously signs. On May 21, Zhengbang Technology issued an announcement saying that it was planned to terminate the public offering of eight convertible corporate bonds in 2019 and the investment projects of non -public offering of shares in 2020, and 36.18 funds for the fundraising project for the fundraising project 100 million yuan permanently supplemented liquid funds for the company's daily production and operation and business development.

The company said that since 2021, the price of pigs in my country has continued to decline, the speed of falling speeds, large declines, and long durations. Pig breeding companies generally face problems such as decline in income, decline in development speed, and even stagnation. According to the company's operating funds arrangements, the company is expected to pay a large number of purchases and expenses in the future to meet the company's normal operation. In order to do a good job of funding reserves, the company plans to terminate the construction of some regional regional production capacity according to the actual situation of the current industry and the company's production and operation to ensure the safety of operating cash flow.

Financial data shows that in 2021, Zhengbang Science and Technology lost 18.819 billion yuan, a loss of 2.433 billion yuan in the first quarter of this year. In terms of the secondary market, as of the close of the 8th, the company's stock price was 6.15 yuan, a decline of nearly 40%during the year.

Source: Daily Economic News Comprehensive Shanghai Securities Journal, Public Information, etc.

(Disclaimer: The content and data of this article are for reference only, do not constitute investment suggestions, and verify before use. , Risk self -dependent.)

Daily Economic News

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