A series of measures to the ground to play "combination boxing" to accumulate and employment

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.06.23

With a series of stable employment measures landing, in May, the unemployment rate of urban surveys in the country fell 0.2 percentage points month -on -month--

Play the "combination boxing" accumulation and employment

【Economic Interface】

Employment is related to the livelihood of a large family. In this regard, the Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to putting the work of stabilizing employment and maintaining employment at the "Six Stability" and "Six Insurance" work. In response to the severe situation and challenges of the employment field, all localities and departments have issued policies and measures to implement various measures and stabilization of employment measures, and the effect of stabilizing employment has begun to appear. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in May, the unemployment rate of urban surveys in the country was 5.9%, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month. Among them, the employment subject from 25 to 59 was 5.1%, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month. This shows that with the continuous release of a series of stabilization of corporate policy bonuses, the basic market for employment in my country is generally improving.

Employment through the market subject to protect the market

"Government departments sent tens of thousands of yuan at once, let us eat 'Xinxin Pills'." Recently, a person in charge of a company in Chongqing told reporters that due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, the company's operating pressure increased. At the zero layoff. To this end, the Human Resources and Social Security Department issued subsidy funds to the enterprise.

The main body of the market is to keep employment. Since March, affected by many domestic epidemic points, wide face, frequent excess, and more complicated and severe international situation, the difficulty of market players has increased significantly. The executive meeting of the State Council held a few days ago further deployed a measure of stability in the economy, including 33 measures in 6 aspects. Among them, the total amount of the stock and incremental tax refund was reserved in more industries, increasing the tax refund of more than 140 billion yuan, and the total tax reduction of 2.64 trillion yuan in annual reduction; Three social insurance premium policies such as retaining pensions have been extended to the end of the year, and they will be expanded to other integrated industries. It is expected to be submitted to 320 billion yuan this year.

In terms of helping enterprises stabilize positions, Guangxi returned the funds to the enterprise. Large enterprises returned 30%of the actual unemployment insurance premiums in the company and their employees last year. %; Shaanxi implements the phased implementation of the basic pension insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, and work -related injury insurance premium policies for catering, retail, tourism, civil aviation, and highway waterway transportation enterprises ...

Under the condition of preventing and controlling the epidemic, localities will promote the re -production of enterprises as soon as possible. At the same time, various departments have accelerated the implementation of tax refunds, tax reductions, and social insurance premiums, such as helping enterprises to help enterprises, to promote the cost reduction work, and strengthen the precision Support, further reduce the burden on market entities, and help them survive the difficulties and keep their posts.

By promoting innovation and entrepreneurship and employment

Facing the sudden increase in employment pressure, Lu Xinyu from Shanghai University of Foreign Economic and Trade chose flexible employment. In her own words, it was "unlocking the new identity of the anchor with the goods." In 2020, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs and other departments released nine new occupations, including Internet marketers, "the anchor with the goods became a formal work", which also made young people interested in flexible employment and independent entrepreneurship.

Earlier this year, Lu Xinyu participated in the training of e -commerce curriculums in the World Xiuxiu Education, and achieved excellent results in the Shanghai Innovation Contest of the National Campus New Media Marketing Innovation Contest in "New Marketing · Chuang Future". This strengthened her confidence in choosing this new industry : "Through training and competition, I have a deeper understanding of this new format, and my professional road is clearer."

In May of this year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on Further Doing a Better Employment and Entrepreneurship Work and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs such as graduates such as universities", and put forward 20 policies and measures, requiring localities to support graduates to start their own business, and give entrepreneurial guarantee loans, discounted discounts, taxes and fees Disability and exemption policies will give social security subsidies for graduates of flexible employment year.

In Shangcheng District of Hangzhou, Zhang Ziwei, who has been in business for two years, has just received a rental subsidy of the entrepreneurial venue of 40,000 yuan, and also enjoyed two full discounted college student entrepreneurial guarantee loans. At present, the "Tire Tired Green Bud Academy" she has established is applying for free funding for college students' entrepreneurial projects.

In Chengdu, the same story is being staged. The Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau vigorously promotes the "Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Employment Dream Project", increases entrepreneurial policy incentives, and actively implements policies such as entrepreneurial subsidies, entrepreneurial attracting employment awards, entrepreneurial guarantee loans, discounting discounts, tax reduction and exemption. Entrepreneurship incubation carriers provide venue support to college graduates and entrepreneurs for free ...

At the national level, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have recently issued measures to further encourage employment by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. For example, clean up the unreasonable restrictions on employment and entrepreneurship, further enhance the leading role and service capabilities of the dual -innovation demonstration base, and carry out in -depth entrepreneurial operation to drive employment demonstration actions. Continue to organize the dual -innovation week series activities to enhance the dual -innovation platform service capabilities. Strengthen the construction of platforms such as returning home and entrepreneurship parks, and encourage returning to their hometowns to start business. Support multi -channel flexible employment, strengthen the protection of workers' rights and interests of new employment forms, and continuously release innovative entrepreneurial momentum.

By grasping key groups to work stable employment

On June 18, in the human resources market of Jinjiang District, Chengdu, migrant workers Yang Xuiping found jobs through the latest recruitment information. At the same time, at the Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center, a "100 Days Enterprise" college graduate large -scale public welfare recruitment and industry '"building a strong chain" hosted by the Chengdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau unveiled Cou -curtain. At the job fair, nearly 1,000 employers including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Second Bureau of China Railway, the Chengfei of AVIC, and ZTE participated in the meeting, providing more than 29,000 posts to college graduates. At present, the employment of college graduates has entered key nodes, and the employment of key groups such as migrant workers has brought continuous pressure on the work of various departments. In response to the employment of key groups, various localities have successively formulated young employment policies such as college graduates such as college graduates, continued to carry out public employment services into campus activities, and implemented centralized recruitment of grass -roots service positions, and millions of apprenticeships. At the same time, helping migrant workers, poverty alleviation population, elderly employment difficulties, unemployed people and other groups of employment, and implement key assistance to counties and relocated large -scale resettlement areas for employment assistance operations. From January to May this year, 1.96 million people were employed by the unemployed, and employment of employment was 680,000. As of the end of May, the scale of poverty alleviation workers across the country reached 31.33 million.

In Sichuan, we have introduced 15 policies and measures to stabilize and expand employment, and make efforts from many aspects such as aid enterprises, optimizing employment training and employment services, and stabilizing key groups such as migrant workers and college graduates. In Shanghai, the 11 departments jointly issued a notice to mobilize the scale of recruitment in Shanghai's central enterprises, Shanghai and district state -owned enterprises to expand their recruitment of fresh graduates in colleges and universities. At the same time, it is required to expand the scale of grassroots employment projects of colleges and universities, encourage social organizations to open up more jobs, and absorb employment of college graduates. In Guangdong, through the "public employment service entering campus", 530 recruitment activities are held, and 293,000 posts are provided. Through organizing the "point -to -point" special car column and charter activities, 810 key enterprises have organized migrant workers to arrive at the job of off -site employees. More than 150,000 people.

Strengthen employment support through talent training

On June 16, the "Three Gorges Cement Cup "'s first professional skills contest in Songzi City, Hubei Province ended, and 252 players from many fields from Songzi City participated in the competition. From the traditional skills such as welders, clothing sewing, tiles, to new technical skills such as forklift driving, plant protection drone operations, and social service projects such as explanations of tour guides and pension care, a number of skills "masters" stand out.

This is a useful attempt to hold a comprehensive skill contest in the county -level region. The contestants Yang Jinrong told reporters: "This participation is a test of our chemical inspectors, and it is also a improvement of our professional skills." The relevant person in charge of the local people's social department said that in recent years, the city has organized various vocational skills to organize various types of vocational skills in recent years Training 269 shots, 15,147 talents have been trained. "Through this competition, the level of professional skills in the city has been further improved, and the effect of promoting training and talent training has been achieved."

Strengthening labor skills training is an important measure to optimize the structure of talent and promote the matching of supply and demand. All localities and departments continue to promote professional skills training to strengthen employment support. In terms of enhancement of vocational skills, Guangxi expanded skills to improve subsidies to employees who receive unemployment insurance and participating in the unemployment insurance for more than 1 year. These two types of personnel can obtain professional qualification certificates or vocational skills level certificates. Skills improvement subsidy. Shanghai will be included in the national vocational qualification certificate that is closely related to the work safety, public safety, personal health, and life and property safety. Fujian will include unemployed personnel who receive unemployment insurance benefits into the scope of subsidy subsidy. It will give a maximum of 2,000 yuan in accordance with the highest level of certificates, and allows 4%of the balance of funds from the unemployment insurance funds from the unemployment insurance funds for vocational skills training.

It is reported that in the first quarter of this year, a total of 487,000 subsidies were issued to 487,000 people to increase subsidies of 830 million yuan, and 22.78 million vocational training vouchers were issued. Relevant departments have organized implementation of key training projects and plans, in -depth implementation of vocational skills training plans, implementing new apprenticeship systems with Chinese characteristics, further strengthening key groups and urgently needed career (type of work), improving training quality, and further support for employment.

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