Guo Xiaodong encouraged the new cadres of Suizhou High -tech Zone: practicing "this hand", creating "wonderful hands", and not "vulgar hands"

Author:Suizhou National High -tech Zo Time:2022.06.23

Newly talked about the newly -appointed cadre before office

On the morning of June 21, Suizhou High -tech Zone held a collective conversation meeting before the appointment of new cadres. Guo Xiaodong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Suizhou High -tech Zone attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He sent a saying that the majority of cadres should cherish the working platform provided by the organization. "The hands", not "vulgar hands", strive to create outstanding results in new posts, make new and greater contributions to the construction of the "three districts and four bases" and the creation of a "innovation highland, industrial new city".

The meeting was chaired by Chen Junjie, a member of the Party Working Committee of Suizhou High -tech Zone and secretary of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee. Zhu Xisheng, a member of the Party Working Committee of the High -tech Zone and deputy director of the Management Committee, reads the "Notice on the Adjustment of the Terminal Adjustment of the Jobs of the Management Committee of Suizhou High -tech Zone and some cadres of the district institution."

On behalf of the Party Working Committee of the Suizhou High -tech Zone, Guo Xiaodong congratulated the new cadres and thanked everyone for their efforts and contributions to the development of the high -tech zone in the early stage! He hopes that cadres at all levels in the region to cherish the entrepreneurial platform of high -tech zone officers and opportunities for high -quality development of high -quality zones to build their careers, and always maintain a strong sense of career and responsibility. Grasp the work style of work, create new performance, establish new images, and show new actions, make new contributions to the high -quality development of the high -tech zone's economic and society, and show new responsibilities.

Guo Xiaodong put forward the ten o'clock requirements of politics, science, the overall situation, the overall situation, the practice of the overall situation, the truth of the situation, the rules, and the integrity of the integrity of the cadres at all levels of the region at all levels.

It is necessary to improve the "position", firmly establish the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self -confidences", and resolutely achieve "two maintenance". Various decision -making deployments ensure that the work of the high -tech zone is always moving along the correct political direction. To be willing to contribute to make an example, to establish a loss of losses, and the loss is the ideological consciousness of "taking advantage". Cadres should be able to suffer, be willing to suffer, and continue to suffer, so that work can continue to advance. We must adhere to work study, study and work, and use the corners of the corner of the corner to work in dry middle schools and schools. Do not be shocked, do a low -key person, do things high -profile, look at everything, bending, and far away. Really keep your responsibilities in your heart, be down -to -earth, and work hard to do the work of the department and the post. Be able to stand grievance, hard work, and stand the test. It is necessary to fully believe that "strictness is love, loose is harm", "will not fall into the sky in the sky", "happiness is struggle". Only by achieving the truth, telling the truth, and doing practical things can the cadres really be in the cadres. The first -line work, decision -making implementation, problem solving, innovation reflected in the front line, and the results are inspected on the front line. We must adhere to the high -quality development of high -tech zones with a strategic perspective and plan industrial development and project construction in advance. Party members and cadres must properly handle the relationship between reform, development, and stability. Establish the concept of "pursuing great achievements and achieve great development", further emancipate the mind, broaden the horizons, plan reform and innovation from a larger scene and deeper level, and strive to create first -class performance. To have the courage to "meet the brave people in the narrow road", when facing difficulties, party members and cadres must decisively choose, persevere, maintain the momentum of the wind and waves, be brave to challenge themselves, break through the limit, in the adversity, we must reflect on improving, dare to meet the difficulties, and turn around the wind. Strive to improve the quality and efficiency of job work, and promote the work of the unit and department to a new level.

At the end of the meeting, Guo Xiaodong combined the people around him, and the things around him emphasized seven sentences, sharing, shared, shared, and advanced with the new cadres.

First, belief, belief, and faith are the "cockpit stones" for party members and cadres to live.

Party members and cadres have no spirit without faith. If they have no faith, they have no power. Belief and beliefs are like calcium in the human body. As soon as the calcium deficiency is broken, it will stand unstable, walk, and not far. Confidence is self -confidence from the heart. Good "belief and belief", exclude all difficulties, and consciously consciously maintain a high degree of ideology, politics, and actions with the Party Committee and Management Committee in order to ensure that the Party Central Committee's decision -making deployment and the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee instruction The high -tech zone landed and blossomed.

The second is to obey, obey, and obey the "fixed star" for party members and cadres to perform their duties.

Party members and cadres must obey organization arrangements, obey orders, obey commands, and obey decisions. Party members and cadres must keep in mind the mission of "personal obedience organization, a few obedience to the majority, subordinate obedience to the superior, and the local obedience to the central government". In the work, we must properly handle the relationship between positive and innovation, focusing on the central goals, combining the actual position of the post, to play professional expertise, activate innovative thinking, truly speak, do things, and make decisions from the perspective of enterprises and the masses. "question.

Third, abilities, motivation, and fixed force are the "support points" of party members and cadres.

Ability is the foundation of the officer, the condition of the power is the condition of the officer, and the determination is the guarantee of the officer. Everyone must cherish the post, play an example, and work hard on the ground, based on the post, and the officer to start a business.

Fourth, capable, energy, and tolerance are the "booster" of the progress of party members and cadres.

Being capable is a kind of quality, can be a realm, and can tolerate is a kind of cultivation. Therefore, after taking office, I hope that after taking office, we will continue to carry forward the excellent style of practical, pragmatic, and implementation. Ability to build skills. Fifth, career, occupation, and sideline are the "watersheds" for party members and cadres.

Three different attitudes determine the three different outlook on life, values, and world outlook. We can only do the highest state of life as a career. To achieve a career, we must start with hard work. Diligent can you do your job well.

Sixth is the "correction instrument" of contentment of contentment, lack of knowledge, and not satisfaction.

The key to being a person, doing things, and an official lies in the value orientation of life. To be content, insufficient knowledge, and unintentional thing, only those who are satisfied can find the accurate positioning of life.

Seventh, self -discipline, self -alert, and introspection are the "firewalls" of the healthy and peaceful party members and cadres.

Party members and cadres must adhere to the "three provinces and my body in my day". my country has long has the ancient training of "people who are expensive and self -knowledge". Do not overdraw themselves at any time. It is the biggest self -discipline. The body, the increasing amount of money, the impersonal bottom line, the increasing overdraft relationship, and the incurable credit. Everything can be more, wider, farther and farther, and more exciting. To treat the organization correctly and have a grateful heart; to treat others correctly, you must face up to "compare" and achieve "seeing the wise"; Consciously purify your own life circle, social circle, and circle of friends. To be honest and honest, be cautious, cautious, cautious, cautious, cautious, cautious, self -provincial, self -provincial, self -alert, self -motivation, building a defense line, keeping the bottom line of integrity, and clearing the boundaries of public and private Treat the name of the heart, treat the position with indifferent hearts, treat the benefits with contentment, treat power with awe, be serious, be honest, be honest, and innocent. The trust and expectations of comrades. At the same time, I also sincerely wish everyone a smooth sailing and successful career in a new job.

Editor: Zhu Xisheng, Zhong Kebo

Edit: Guo Haizhou

Source: High -tech Zone Rong Media Center

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