The Australian Central Bank raised interest rates again!Relding the benchmark interest rate 50 basis

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.06.08

The Australian Central Bank announced the interest rate hike again on the 7th, raising the benchmark interest rate to 50 basis points to 0.85%, and continued to increase the interest rate of foreign exchange settlement, raising 50 basis points from 0.25%to 0.75%.

After the new crown epidemic was outbreak, the Australian central bank cut interest rates three times and reduced interest rates to a historical low of 0.1%. Rating.

Australian central bank governor Philip Luo said in a monthly monetary policy statement on that day that the toughness and inflation level of Australia's economy now no longer requires unconventional support policies.

He said that although Australia's inflation level is lower than most developed economies, its increase has exceeded expectations. The tight supply chain, the conflict between the Russian and Ukraine, and the limited production capacity of some domestic industries in Australia and the labor market tension are all factor that boosted price increases.

In an interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters, the University of Sydney's economist Andrew Grant said that monetary policy regulation is expected to have a much impact on current high food and energy prices. It may continue to raise interest rates.

Luo said that the central bank's board will continue to take measures to gradually normalize the currency environment in the next few months, and it will also be based on the latest economic data and its prospects for inflation and labor market prospects. Evaluation to determine the timing and scale of interest rate hikes in the future.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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