Helping the development of the service industry 丨 "Express Station Tax Story" Episode 6

Author:State Administration of Taxati Time:2022.06.23

SMEs are important forces to expand employment, improve people's livelihood, and promote entrepreneurial innovation. Since the beginning of this year, the state has introduced a series of preferential taxes and fees to help small and medium -sized enterprises relieve difficulties and reduce costs and increase efficiency.

In order to help taxpayers pay better understanding and enjoy relevant policies, China Taxation (Douyin "ZGSW") launched a series of short videos of the "Express Station Tax Story" series. Today, let's take a look at the sixth episode: small and micro enterprises "six taxes and two fees" reduction policy

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"Express Station Tax Story" Episode 5: Taxpayers established after April 1, 2019, calculate the sales proportion of sales based on sales of 3 months from the date of establishment

"Express Station Tax Story" Episode 4: Aviation and railway transportation enterprises branches suspend prepaid value -added tax

"Express Station Tax Story" Episode 3: Express delivery service exemption of VAT and VAT periods at the end of the tax refund policy

"Express Station Tax Story" Episode 2: Public transportation services exempt VAT for exemption

"Express Station Tax Story" first episode: production and life service industry plus deduction reduction

Video production: Zhejiang Taxation, Luzhou Taxation

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