The four thinking bureaus of the Investment and Cooperation Bureau of Kuiwen District, Weifang City Grasp Merchants to help cities update

Author:Kuiwen Published Time:2022.06.23

Since the beginning of the year, the Investment Promotion Bureau of Kuiwen District, Weifang City has taken the "great changes in style, developing big investment" as the outline, and implemented extraordinary motivation, extraordinary measures, and extraordinary policies. The construction of the park promotes the construction of better construction with high -quality investment promotion.

Establish industrial thinking and rely on resources to attract recruitment. Relying on the key parks such as Power Zhigu, Emergency Safety Industrial Park, Emerging Science and Technology Industrial Park, etc., they clearly lead the industry, implement fund empowerment, cultivate and introduce "chain owners" enterprises, strengthen the industrial chain, improve the supporting chain, and strive to build the park investment in the park within the year. The settlement rate reaches more than 80%, and the average taxpay of the mu has reached more than 200,000 yuan. Relying on the quality buildings such as Sunshine Yibai, Hengyi Baolian, Peninsula Innovation Valley, insist on gathered in the building, and increase the efficiency of production, and vigorously introduce the headquarters, platform type, tax source, four new types of high -quality projects and high -end talents, and strive to help during the year. Create 10 building 10 buildings.

Establish a boutique thinking and targeting targeting. Focus on the eight cities including the south side of Taihua City, the original Peking Opera Troupe, and the south to the river to update the tackling projects, keep an eye on the segmentation of emerging manufacturing and high -end service industry, highlight the key areas of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta. The top 500 and the target enterprises of central enterprises and strong enterprises have strengthened the promotion of the festival, the "point -to -point" investment promotion and the investment promotion, accurately locked, targeted the tackling, strive to talk about one, one to attract one, and land. Each quarterly, a series of "dual -recruitment and dual quotes" centralized contracts, centralized construction, and centralized promotion series activities will be held to create an atmosphere of investment promotion and improve the effectiveness of the recruitment.

Establish a polymerization thinking and be good at attracting it. Deepen the strategic cooperation with advanced parks such as Beijing, Suzhou, Xi'an, Hefei, etc., explore the co -construction mechanisms of projects, fund co -investing, and universal policies, and undertake industrial transfer of advanced regions. Explore and implement the "unveiling of the list" system for major projects, and collect the unveils of the leading cadres and entrepreneurs in the district's leading cadres and entrepreneurs, and cohesion and claims for the leading cadres and entrepreneurs in the district. Investment and promoting development force.

Establish a thinking of solution, and comprehensively apply to attract. Implementing the dynamic coordination of investment projects and landing on the ground, the Investment Promotion Bureau of Kuiwen District Collects the district's monthly talks, signing, establishing projects, and starting projects. The key projects that reach the intention of cooperation will implement the district -level leadership package and promote special classes. For important agreements and emergency issues, the analysis theory meeting is held in a timely manner, comprehensively imposed policies, and coordinated, and one stare at the end. During the year, high -quality projects such as strong brain technology, Shu Zhentang pharmaceutical, Bizidi assembly, McLon technology headquarters, Haitian smart brain -interactive rehabilitation equipment and other high -quality projects were launched.

#Focus on the 12th Party Congress of Shandong Province ## ## Our new era ## 奋Haopin Shandong ## 山 好 好 好#

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