"Finance and Economics" Liu Shijin: Digital economy, not development is a greater problem

Author:Chang'an Street Reading Club Time:2022.06.23

Liu Shijin: Digital economy, not development is a bigger problem


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Under the pressure of current economic growth, many people regard the digital economy as the main force of China's economic growth in the future. To develop the digital economy, we must correctly understand the governance of some problems in the development of the digital economy. What should I think of the digital economy? Summary in an old saying -these issues are all issues in development, and not development is a greater problem. In the past, when I wanted to solve many problems, I had to formulate policies and regulations when I encountered a bottleneck of technical bottlenecks. Finally, I found that the effect was not good. If it is technically broken, many problems will be solved, which is a very important feature of the digital economy. Only by letting the market active and making the market's resource allocation a decisive role, the so -called innovation -driven high -quality development can truly be implemented.

How to break the situation of "without entering"?

We have to work hard when we understand the concept of the digital economy. The digital economy not only involves technical issues, but also a new economic form. It is a new economic form formed by the expansion of the industrial revolution after the agricultural economy, industrial economy, and information economy. Therefore, we must understand the digital economy and the various relationships it involved from the height of the economic form.

If the digital economy and the real economy are used as a metaphor, the Internet is similar to the highway in the real economy. Big data is the raw material transported by trucks on high -speed roads. Cloud computing and cloud storage are equivalent to a storage facility. Artificial intelligence uses data. Machine and equipment that produces data. Artificial intelligence and blockchain technology reconstruct various connections or relationships in the economy.

In recent years, the digital economy has several outstanding functions in development:

1. Information density is unprecedented. More than forty years ago, there may be only one handling in a village in the countryside, and thousands of villagers obtained or passed the information through this call. Now everyone has one or even multiple mobile phones and may be turned on for 24 hours, so it is said that it is said that The digital economy has increased the information density of data unprecedentedly.

2. Connect to each other. The rapid development of e -commerce platforms connect products, producers and consumers.

3. Optimize the real economy. After the increase in data, the real economy can be optimized. For example, the delivery route of takeaway brothers has become faster and economical after data optimization, which reduces service costs.

4. Forecast the future. By summarizing history, present, and future things, the future predicts the future. Even if there will be a lot of uncertainty in the future, you can predict more regular trends, especially to capture the big inflection point, so that you can do it in advance. Optimization arrangements. The digital economy predicts the future role of the future, and we have just started to use it.

Regarding the development of the digital economy, the recently mentioned "digitalization of the real economy and the entity of digital technology" has a huge impact on the current production methods. After the development of e -commerce in recent years, many small and medium -sized physical stores and even large department stores have not been able to operate. There are often more salespersons in the malls than customers, and e -commerce has a great impact on physical stores. "". But this is nothing new. Several big industrial revolution in history also brings similar things. For example, after the emergence of steam trains, it has a huge impact on the carriage, and everyone cannot return to the era of the carriage. From the perspective of economics, the digital economy has reduced production costs, providing consumers with more choices and increased social benefits. After such huge changes, the entire society was affected in a comprehensive impact, including the form of industrial organizations and employment structures. In the era of digital economy, the scale of platform enterprises is much larger than enterprises in the industrial revolution period, and the gap between enterprises with market share first and second, so there may be a monopoly risk of "winners" in large enterprises. "Winners eat" will cause imbalances, including corporate organization, market order, economy, society, and even political imbalances, which will make the entire society's economic, industrial and market structure face reorganization. Platforms recommend products to consumers through algorithms. Consumers may find that the second purchase price may be more expensive than the first time when purchasing goods. This is the problem of "killing" that is often said. Sex is even "discriminated against." There are also some platform companies to squeeze competitors with the low price of funds, instead of participating in competition by improving production efficiency or operating methods. There are also some fraudulent behaviors of fintech to use the Internet platform to engage in ancient "Ponzi scams" to deceive consumers. These issues involve the problem of the platform itself, and it is also related to market issues and even social issues. Therefore, we need to introduce competitive policies, antitrust policies, employment policies and social structural adjustment policies that match the platform's economic development to cope with the comprehensive impact and adjustment of the digital economy on the real economy.

There are so many problems in the digital economy. What should we think of the digital economy? Summary in an old saying -these issues are all issues in development. There are two meanings here:

In the first level, these problems are problems that occur after the development of the digital economy, and it also means that it is impossible without development. If there is no algorithm recommendation and the Internet platform, it is impossible to "kill". But can you not develop the digital economy? No, because it is not development is a bigger problem.

The second layer of meaning should be prescribed. The purpose of discussing these issues is to solve the problem, so that the digital economy will be better, smoother, more accepted by all parties, and more sustainable development in the next step, rather than not developing, not to retreat. This needs to be clear.

What is a reasonable digital economic regulatory model?

The issue of data confirmation is now more discussion, but it is difficult to have a conclusion at present, because the data does have certain particularity. Today, I only mentioned a few ideas from the perspective of how to promote the problem solving.

First of all, China is currently in a period of unprecedented development opportunities for digital technology and digital economy. We must make good use of this opportunity period. We must adhere to the word "use" and put "use" in front to balance and process the relationship between the property rights protection, security and utilization of the data. It is necessary to attach importance to problems such as unfavorable data protection protection and data unsafe, but also to prevent the circulation and use of data property rights and security issues excuses for the main subject of interests. Emphasizing data protection and data security, we must grasp the main contradictions.

Secondly, after mentioning, the two issues that are currently the most reflected in the data confirmation are personal privacy protection and national information security, as well as the value -added rights of the enterprise.

At this stage, we are not very clear about some issues, and we may not be able to make it clear, so if a law is issued immediately to set the problem, the effect is not necessarily good. Therefore, we can look at the problem from a problem -oriented perspective. For those issues that are more accurate and consensus in practice, such as the privacy and national security of individuals and institutions, they can list some negative lists that cannot be circulated or cannot be traded to keep the property protection and security of the data. The bottom line. For those issues that are not clear for the time being, our courage and steps can be larger. Use technologies such as privacy computing to let go of various data circulation channels.

With the development of privacy computing and other technologies, we can achieve data available and invisible, and the data and information are separately separated. Using privacy computing, you can hide the privacy information such as personal names and address on your ID card, extract comprehensive data or abstract information of a certain area or a certain type of group on the ID card, and finally ensure the availability of personal privacy. Privacy computing technology is equivalent to a "black box". This one involves the data involving privacy information, and the other end is available data that does not involve privacy.

In the past, when we wanted to solve many problems, we encountered technical bottlenecks, so we had to formulate policies and regulations, and finally found that the effect was not good. If it is technically broken, many problems will be solved, which is also a very important feature of the digital economy. For example, the blockchain plays an important role in smart contracts. The "contract" solves the problem of trust, and the blockchain has blocked the possible fraud from technically. Therefore, when the economy is developing, we can use technology to solve the problem, including the problem of security and development relations that everyone finds the most difficult solution. Therefore The government must take the lead in promoting these technologies. There are still many issues in the platform supervision that it is not clear for the time being, because the problem is still developing, including antitrust issues. The market share of a certain platform may be very high, but this platform has settled in hundreds of thousands of enterprises and hundreds of millions of consumers. It is a trading venue, and traditional large oil and steel companies are no longer a concept. Therefore Anti -monopoly is also different from traditional enterprises and needs to continue to explore.

Recently, some local governments have introduced local opinions, regulations, or regulations. Some of them focus on protecting consumer privacy and national data security, while others focus on protecting enterprise data rights and interests. Although the focus is different, we have their own principles. We are not in a hurry to conclude that the regulatory authorities in various places can be differentiated to try. After trying for a while, when the digital economy further develops, some problems can be more accurate, and then introduce some national laws and regulations, and the effect will be better.

Finally, the supervision of digital companies needs global vision. The development of the digital economy must adhere to the opening of the outside world, especially focusing on people and people, in order to promote competition, and promote innovation with competition. We must actively participate in the global digital governance process, and we must be able to talk and collaborate with international dialogues, because the digital economy is a global economy. We should gradually form a new management model that has both Chinese characteristics and in line with international standards. After time verification is valid, but we can also talk about the truth internationally. This is the goal we should strive to achieve in digital economic supervision.

How does platform companies improve their own governance?

How to encourage local and enterprises to actively explore the governance of the digital economy, especially the level of improvement of governance, so far there is no accurate and clear answer. Regarding the governance of platform enterprises, first of all, it has dual characteristics. On the one hand, it is a large scale as an enterprise itself. The so -called "boss is larger than in the past", so it needs to be supervised for the monopoly and unfair competition issues that may exist. On the other hand, the platform must supervise the thousands of enterprises that settled on the platform and several hundreds of millions of consumers. It needs to maintain the market order between enterprises on the platform, including controlling fake and fake sales.

There are some problems now. For example, some people have proposed to supervise the algorithm of the platform. I don't know what algorithms and algorithms to supervise, because this is a technical issue itself. It is unclear whether the supervision can be regulated, because the algorithm has always been in the process of iterative. In addition, some platforms provide some specific services to companies with large scale, such as drainage flow and promoting them, which is actually empowering them. How to define the relationship between the platform and these companies, as well as the relationship between these companies and other companies on the platform? At present, the government has some regulatory requirements for the platform. These requirements must be transformed into the requirements for enterprises that settled in the platform. How can this transformation be implemented? These are all problems I can see as laymen and consumers, but the solution is unclear.

In general, the development of platform companies and the development of platform enterprises itself are still on the rise. It has not reached a relatively mature stage, and there is still a lot of room for rising space, including market structure adjustment of the platform economy. These issues may require all parties to bear their own responsibilities, work together, explore more, explore the laws, leave room for some unclear issues, and do not rush to conclude. If it is simply concluded, finally reviewing history will find that it is irresponsible and unfavorable to the development of the industry.

The development of the digital economy requires all parties to continue to cross the river with stones. Recently, I often talk about "crossing the river by touching the stones." Someone asked, after more than forty years of reform and opening up, we still have to cross the river with stones? Yes, because the river is different. Forty years ago, the river we was going to do was how to solve the responsibility system for the coalition contracting in the countryside, how to engage in the company's joint -stock system, how to engage in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, and so on. Forty years later, the problem we encountered is how to engage in the digital economy and how to supervise platform companies. Because these problems are unclear, we have to continue to touch the river to cross the river, even if it is trial and error, it is to find a pair of directions. On the issue of the development of the digital economy, the platforms, consumers, and regulatory departments such as the platform, the entry platforms, consumers and regulators. It is true that we can promote the development of this industry in the end.

How does the digital economy go up against the trend when the economy is going down?

At present, the downward pressure on the economy at home and abroad is very high. Everyone is exploring where the new growth momentum is. I think the digital economy is one of the important drivers.

First, the digital economy is innovative. In recent years, most of the unicorn companies in the field of innovation belong to the field of digital technology.

Secondly, the digital economy has driven employment. The National Bureau of Statistics has announced a data. The number of flexible employment in China has reached 200 million, most of which are concentrated in the field of digital economy, especially some cities and regions with active economy, such as takeaway riders and online anchors. And quickly increased positions. Third, the digital economy has strong inclusiveness. This has played a huge role in narrowing income gaps and promoting "common prosperity".

In recent years, we went to rural investigations and saw that because of e -commerce platforms and logistics systems, agricultural products can be sold throughout the country in only two or three days. This is difficult to imagine in the past. In a village in the western region, everyone sleeps in the past winter, and now the village is still brightly lit in the morning, and many people are selling agricultural products. Therefore, the development of digital economy driven by digital technology is very important for short -term steady growth and long -term sustainable growth.

There are four contents of "steady growth":

First, steady expectations. Stable expectations require some policy announcements, including some macro policies and industry special policies for the development of the digital economy. More importantly, we must introduce some of the iconic measures to deepen reform and opening up, so as to substantially enhance everyone's confidence.

Second, the development of the digital economy, here is a special motivation to mobilize two "key minorities".

The first key minority is entrepreneurs. In the early days of the industrial revolution, capitalists, investors and entrepreneurs were often the same person, but the situation has changed. Now the real entrepreneurs are people who combine land, labor, funds, and data. These original scattered resources depend on the combination of entrepreneurs to play their effects. The digital economy in China has developed rapidly in recent years. Some companies have grown up in just a few years because a group of entrepreneurs with entrepreneurs have the ability to re -combine resources, dare to bear risks, courage, and very good sense of courage, and very good knowledge. Strong execution. At present, the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs is particularly needed, especially in the digital economy stage, and the demand for entrepreneurial spirit is more urgent than before.

The second key minority is local officials. I have always talked about a point of view. One of the important features of the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics is local competition. Some leaders often see people with entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneur spirit is an innovative spirit, and local government leaders can also have an entrepreneurial spirit. In some places, because of the leaders of entrepreneurial spirit, the appearance of the entire place is different. The local person in charge cannot be lazy. The development of the digital economy requires leaders with entrepreneurship. We must make such talents stand out.

Third, attach importance to the innovation of cutting -edge technology. my country's digital economy has developed well in recent years, but there are very few innovative technologies from China. In recent years, we have also discussed the so -called "stuck neck" problem. The core of "card neck" involves technical issues, but the underlying technology is actually some cutting -edge scientific research results. Therefore, if you want to break through the underlying technology and source innovation, the key is to form a free exploration of free exploration with cutting -edge scientific and technological achievements. Environment, culture and mechanism, especially incentive mechanisms, and this is what we currently lack.

Fourth, we must emphasize the combination of top -level design and grass -roots experiments. The top -level design is mainly "refers to the direction, draw the bottom line", and tells the bottom line of the east or west. The bottom line of what cannot be done and what situation should be avoided. In addition, let go to the market, do our best to mobilize the enthusiasm of local grassroots, enterprises and individuals, and let them explore. Only by letting the market active and making the market's resource allocation a decisive role, the so -called innovation -driven high -quality development can truly be implemented.

Liu Shijin: Member of Chang'an Street Reading Club and former Deputy Director of the Development Research Center of the State Council

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