Forever worry -free report: The people interviewed in the workplace are generally optimistic about the follow -up consumption of the epidemic

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.06.24

The "Report of the 2022 Workplace Consumption Confidence" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") recently released by the Forever Worry -Free Recently shows that the respondents generally believe that the epidemic has a limited impact on subsequent consumption, and the overall is more optimistic. In the next year, 84.3%of families believe that "the financial situation will be better and the consumption level will increase", of which 20%of the family confidence is full.

The report shows that of the 2650 respondents participating in the survey, 43.7%of the workplace believed that the financial status of the family declined compared to the same period last year, and the family financial situation of 27.3%of the respondents rose year by year.

During the report, during the 618 period, 75.6%of the people interviewed in the workplace consumption was less than 5,000 yuan, interviewees with a consumption of 5,000-8000 yuan accounted for 17%, and the consumption exceeding 8,000 yuan accounted for 5.5%.

The report shows that 34%of the people's desire for luxury goods are still high. Specifically, luxury goods are more popular among women (37%). Although men have less desire to jewelry and clothing bags than women, men's large luxury demand is strong, especially luxury cars (32%) and high -end digital products (43%).

The report also shows that 48.3%of the residents interviewed use consumer loans as short -term capital turnover and repay in time. Facing the impact of consumer loans, 21.7%believe that there is the ability to repay; 18%believe that consumer loans are ahead of consumption and will increase the burden use.

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