[Study and implement the spirit of the 14th Party Congress of the Provincial Congress · Rural Revitalization] Ancient Lang "Sheep Pier" adds new impetus

Author:Look at the ancient waves Time:2022.06.24

From "raising" to "scale breeding", from "extensive feeding" to "organic formula", from "single production base" to "industrial demonstration park" ... In recent years, Gulang County has vigorously developed green agriculture and animal husbandry industry Gradually break the traditional pattern and continue to develop towards the direction of "standardization, standardization, and large -scale".

Recently, I walked into the construction site of Gansu Sheep, Kangle New Village, Xijing Town, Kangle New Village, Xijing Town.

Forming an industry, living a place for the economy, and rich people. As a key investment promotion project in Gulang County in 2022, Gansu Sheep Rugao Agricultural Co., Ltd.'s good breeding meat sheep breeding venue will add motivation to strengthen the size of the sheep industry and the base of the sheep industry. "Gansu Sheep Ruxiang Agricultural Co., Ltd. Liangye Bar Barry Farm Construction Project has a total investment of 55 million, with a total planned land for 500 acres. It is planned to build 28 new high -standard aquaculture warm sheds. At present The sheds can be put into production at the end of June. After the project is completed, it can cultivate 20,000 lakes and sheep breed ewe.

After the project is completed, at the same time, more than 50 people can work for employment, increasing the income of 1.8 million yuan. Taking the company as a "ancient wave sheep" breeding system, consolidating the front end of the sheep industry chain, and forming an ancient wave sheep industry chain with farmers' fattening sheep breeding and meat sheep, gradually realizing from extensive management to standardized production, expanding from simple quantities, expanded from pure quantities In the transformation of the quality and quality of the quantity, from the family sideline type to the pillar industrial type, it has laid a solid foundation for rural revitalization.

Reporter: Lu He Mountain

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