Liaocheng Dongchangfu District Manufacturing Industry Strong District Construction Three -year Tight Breakthrough and Industrial Chain Long System Promotion Work Conference was held

Author:Dongchang Radio and Television Time:2022.06.24

On June 24, the three -year -old breakthrough operation and industrial chain -long promotion work conference on the construction of the manufacturing industry in Dongchangfu District was held. The main task of the meeting is to conscientiously implement the spirit of the city's manufacturing industry for three years and breakthrough the mobilization conference, focusing on the goals of the manufacturing industry, in -depth implementation of the long -term industrial chain system, mobilizing the whole district to further unify the mind, work together, make every effort to break through, strive Create a new situation of high -quality development in the manufacturing industry in Dongchangfu District.

Ma Junquan, Secretary of the Dongchang Mansion Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The deputy secretary of the Dongchang House District Party Committee and the district Yangtze River Shaohua chaired the meeting. , Wang Rui and Zhang Yan attended the meeting.

Ma Junquan pointed out that it is necessary to unify the thinking and condense consensus, and unswervingly implement the strategy of manufacturing strong areas. Accelerating the construction of a strong manufacturing area is a practical action to implement the decision -making and deployment of central, provincial, municipalities, and districts; it is a long -term choice to promote high -quality economic development; it is a realistic requirement for achieving the goal of steady growth throughout the year. All departments at all levels in the region, and the majority of enterprises, party members and cadres, must resolutely carry their responsibilities from the height of defending the "two establishment" and "two maintenance". Create the "first good area" of Liaocheng. It is necessary to firmly hold the "bull nose" of the manufacturing industry, put the development of the manufacturing industry in a priority, and strive to achieve the healthy development and leapfrog development of the manufacturing industry.

Ma Junquan emphasized that it is necessary to highlight the key points and accurate efforts, and to gather high -quality development and breakthrough in the manufacturing industry. The whole district must adhere to the problem orientation and goals of the goal, and resolutely win the three -year tough battle in the manufacturing industry in accordance with the goals of one year breakthrough, two -year tackling, and three years of sprint. It is necessary to break through in industrial clusters, based on the foundation of the existing industry, cultivate a number of major advanced manufacturing clusters, continuously improve the level of modernization of the industrial chain, and promote the upgrade of the park carrier. "Concept, strengthen project planning, strengthen tracking services and factor guarantees, improve and improve work mechanisms, carry out precise investment promotion, normalize the formation of" four batches "good situation; Develop the core position of the overall situation, promote the construction of major science and technology platforms at a high level, accelerate the in -depth integration of the digital economy and manufacturing industry, and improve the talent -introduction policy system; , Do the goals of more living enterprises, further serve enterprises to accelerate development, carry out cadres to help enterprises and voyage operations, adhere to specialized new development, strengthen the construction of entrepreneurial teams, and work together to cultivate more high -quality enterprises, listed companies, and industry leaders. Build a competitive industrial chain group in the country and even the world; to break through in the business environment, truly let the enterprise "sing the big drama" and "the protagonist", comprehensively stimulate the vitality of the enterprise, strengthen the implementation of enterprise -related policies, advance in -depth advancement The reform of the management service allows companies to invest with confidence and let go of development.

Ma Jun's rights require that we must compact responsibilities, pay close attention to implementation, and strive to build a high -quality industrial chain ecosystem. Firmly establish the industrial chain thinking, do a good job of the tasks of the industrial chain and long system, the leader must play a leading role, the department must play an overall role in promoting the role. Effectively form a "one game" situation in the district. It is necessary to strengthen the protection, seek truth from being effective, and bring together the joint effort of the construction of a strong manufacturing area. Departments at all levels should actively serve enterprises, give play to the role of the government and the market in resource allocation, adhere to the first place in scientific and technological innovation, further use the capital market, and continuously strengthen organizational guarantee, goals leading, upper and lower linkage, overall development, supervision of supervision Evaluation, keep the epidemic prevention and control, industrial safety, ecological environmental protection, financial risks, "a row of bottom lines" in production safety, compact responsibilities, collaborate and efficient linkage up and down, and form a strong force in the region to focus on industry and work together Combat force.

Ma Junquan emphasizes that entrepreneurs are the most valuable wealth and scarce resources. It is an important force to promote the construction of a strong manufacturing area and promote the high -quality development of the economy and society. It is necessary to carry out a series of theme activities of the "Dongchang House District Entrepreneur Day", vigorously create a strong atmosphere of respecting entrepreneur spirit, care of entrepreneur life, and supporting entrepreneurial officers, stimulate the enthusiastic enthusiasm of entrepreneurs to innovate and entrepreneurship, compose manufacturing industry A new chapter in the construction of a strong district, strive to create a new situation in the construction of a strong manufacturing zone, and make a positive contribution to the city's competition in the city's competition in the city.

As far as the implementation of the spirit of the meeting, Jiang Shaohua emphasized that all levels and departments at all levels must unify their thinking, unite consensus, comprehensively and implement the spiritual requirements of the provincial, municipal party congresses and the city's manufacturing strong city conference, and use the manufacturing industry as the development of the county economy 2. Promote the "fixed stars", focus points and breakthroughs of the high -quality development of the region, and effectively make good use of the digital transformation of traditional manufacturing industries, and solidly promote the common development of one, two, and three industries. We must make determination, firm confidence, and deeply understand the goals and tasks of the three years of attacking and breakthroughs in the strong manufacturing zone, and solidly promote the industrial chain chain growth around high -precision pipes, bearing holder, new energy vehicle and its parts and components. Eight major breakthrough tasks such as the improvement of the collection cluster, the help of enterprises and voyage, and the construction of the project. It is necessary to highlight the subject, optimize services, and effectively solidify the concept of "taking the business as your own affairs", implement the normalized contact service enterprise system, be a good service enterprise "store primary two", build a parental business, respected, and recreated business Kice of the new type of political and business relationships, timely grasp the demands of enterprises, respond to the needs of enterprises, and handle corporate problems, and create a better environment for the manufacturing industry in the region's manufacturing industry, to create a better environment, and provide a solid guarantee. At the meeting, Mei Yongjie interpreted the three -year -old breakthrough operation plan of the manufacturing area, the implementation plan of the long system of the manufacturing industry chain chain in 2022; The Development Zone, Zhengjiazhen, Xinpengyuan Group Co., Ltd., and Shandong Qilu Qi Industry Co., Ltd. made speeches.

Dongchangfu Rong Media: Pei Chongxu Yu Ji 镔

Edit: Liu Fengchun

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