Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park: Scientific and technological innovation ignition a new engine of high -quality development

Author:Great Wall Time:2022.06.25

Great Wall Network · Jiyun Client News (Reporter Li Lijun Correspondent Zhong Lei) 7 new application for invention patents, sales revenue increased by 40 % year -on -year, and the product market share continued to lead ... Little Giant "Enterprise, since this year, Hebei Coordinated Environmental Technology Technology Co., Ltd. has continuously developed innovation in the types and applications of Jutian products, and uses scientific and technological innovation to empower the high -quality development of enterprises.

In Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park, there are still many companies like coordinated environmental protection: as of the end of May, the park has 56 high -tech enterprises, an increase of 86.67 % year -on -year; 9 science and technology giants and 153 technology -based small and medium -sized enterprises, a year -on -year increase of 26.45 % Essence

In recent years, through a series of measures such as cultivating innovative subjects, building an innovation platform, increasing policy support, and optimizing scientific and technological services, the park has continuously promoted innovation -driven to speed up and increase efficiency, accelerated the application of scientific and technological achievements. The industrial transformation and upgrading of the park has achieved important new engines for high -quality development.

Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park Chemical Sharing Experimental Center. Photo Conferring in Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park

Strong policy increases scientific and technological innovation and financial investment

Recently, the Management Committee of Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park approved the "Special Funds Payment Plan for the Special Funds for the Subsidy Funds of the annual scientific and technological innovation of 2021". According to the "Plan", there were 88 special funds awarding companies after this scientific and technological innovation, with a total reward amount of more than 2,400 million yuan, an increase of 66.04 % and 106.75 % over the previous year. The award project covers more than ten items including the Hebei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, the Provincial Science and Technology Planning Project Supporting Award, the newly identified provincial crowdsourcing space, and the identification (review) high -tech enterprises. Among them, the park's first research and experimental development fund award supports 49 enterprises, with more than 800 million yuan in support, which is nearly doubled year -on -year.

Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park has set up special funds for scientific and innovation in science and technology innovation, and has introduced the "Special Fund Management Measures and Implementation Rules for Science and Technology Innovation of Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park", "Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park Enterprise Technology R & D Measures (Trial)", "Trial)" "Measures" and other policies and measures have given corporate scientific and technological innovation in terms of land, funds, taxes, scientific and technological innovation platforms, and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in policies.

The main body of education promotes the development and growth of science and technology enterprises

In recent years, Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park has grasped the "six one" project in accordance with the three cultivation phases of science and technology SMEs, high -tech enterprises, and leading enterprises of science and technology. The total number of innovative enterprises, high -tech enterprises, and technology "little giants" enterprises has reached more than 200, showing a good growth momentum.

While the scale and quantity are growing, more and more enterprises pay attention to continuous high -quality development, and the investment in scientific and technological research and development has increased significantly.

Hebei Weiyuan Biochemical Co., Ltd. has invested more than 90 million yuan in R & D in 2021 and applied for 35 patents. Technological progress and transformation and upgrading. In 2021, the total investment of the park research and experimental development funds was 277 million yuan, and the award supported 49 enterprises, accounting for 9.37 % of the main business income ratio of the year, an increase of 2.49 percentage points over the previous year. Power laying a solid foundation.

Hebei Weiyuan Biochemical Technical Personnel is doing product research and development experiments. Photo Conferring in Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park

Building platforms to accelerate the transformation of scientific research results

The scientific and technological innovation platform is a gathering place for high -quality innovation resources and an important starting point for promoting scientific and technological innovation. There are currently 1 national enterprise technology center, 6 provincial -level scientific and technological innovation platforms, and 19 municipal scientific and technological innovation platforms, which have created a good innovation environment for the transformation and application of corporate scientific research and innovation achievements.

"Circular Chemical Park has in -depth implementation of the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei coordinated development strategy, and actively builds a transformation application platform for the" government+market+service "to continuously stimulate the vitality of regional innovation and development." Essence

The park invested 467 million yuan to build a chemical sharing pilot center, focusing on overcome the technical bottleneck that restricts the development of the industry, is committed to the industrialization of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei chemical science and technology achievements, and creates a "scientific and technological achievement transaction -amplification test -medium testing -transfer conversion -capital docking - Industrial incubation -Enterprise Acceleration "is equal to a comprehensive professional sharing service platform. At present, the main body of the project has been capped, and it is expected to be settled in the second half of this year.

The park establishes the Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Research Institute. The First -class Courtyard and the head enterprises have established strategic cooperation relationships. Establishing the first intellectual property service port in Hebei Province and Hebei Province's chemical engineering energy conservation and environmental protection industry intellectual property alliance to provide full -chain protection for enterprise scientific and technological innovation, encourage enterprises to independently innovate, encourage enterprises Good, expected economic and social benefits, significant and good demonstrations, which have a good demonstration and leading role, have been transformed into production in the park, injecting the inexhaustible source of living water into the park's scientific and technological innovation and development.

Hebei Weiyuan Biochemical Technology Center. Shijiazhuang Circular Chemical Park Talent Introduction to Training High -end Scientific and Technological Talents

Talent is the foundation of innovation, and the foundation of innovation is talent. Circular Chemical Park has continuously introduced new talents such as the "Several Incentives of Talents and Talents" and "Trial Implementation Rules for the Trial Implementation Rules of Talent Talers". In addition to the city's relevant support policies, all aspects of scientific research funds, house purchase subsidies, children's entry, settlement residence, etc. have given all aspects of support, which has attracted the national high -level talent special support plan scientific and technological innovation leaders, Shijiazhuang science and technology leaders, Shijiazhuang Gao A large number of high -end scientific and technological talents such as hierarchical science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship talents went to the park to start their own business. The autonomous research broke through a number of "card neck" technical problems such as the core process of the key raw materials of the photoresses, which provided a strong intelligence guarantee for the high -quality innovation and development of the park.

In the next step, the park will fully focus on scientific and technological innovation, continue to stimulate internal vitality, and strive to optimize the technological innovation governance system, accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, increase the cultivation of scientific and technological small and medium -sized enterprises, improve the scientific and technological talent 'citations and retention' mechanisms, etc. In order to work hard, strive to build the park into a strategic new highland for Shijiazhuang's scientific and technological innovation and development.

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