China Association for Science and Technology: The characteristics and trends of the youth human resources of our country are obvious

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.25

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, June 25 (Reporters Wen Jinghua and Liu Fangzhou) "Report on the Development Research on Human Resources of Science and Technology (2020)" on the 25th at the 24th Annual Conference of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. The report shows that my country's scientific and technological human resources are mainly young and middle -aged, and about three -quarters of people at the age of 39 and below, and the characteristics and trends are obvious.

Scientific and technological human resources refer to human resources that actually engage in the generation, development, communication and application activities of systemic science and technical knowledge in the actual science and technical knowledge, reflect the level and supply level of scientific and technological manpower in a country or region. An important indicator of a country's comprehensive national strength and development potential.

The report shows that it is not considered factors such as studying abroad and "promotion". As of the end of 2020, my country's scientific and technological human resources have reached 112.341 million.

The report pointed out that in the past ten years, my country's scientific and technological human resources age structure has continued to be younger. As of the end of 2019, among the majority of scientific and technological human resources that have received higher education in the field of science and technology, scientific and technological human resources of 39 and below have 73.89%, and scientific and technological human resources of 50 and above account for only 9.94%.

my country's scientific and technological human resources academic level presentation is distributed with college -oriented, undergraduate, and the least graduate school. About one -third of the year increased to about 40%in 2019, and the gender proportion became more balanced.

Experts believe that in the future, my country's scientific and technological human resources will continue to maintain the total growth trend. It should continue to improve the quality of training and improve the incentive mechanism, accelerate the promotion of scientific and technological human resources from great to strong, and build a large scale, excellent quality, structure optimization of structure, and optimization of structures in my country. The scientific and technological talent team with outstanding effects and efforts to speed up the construction of important talents in the world and innovation highland.

The report was jointly studied by the relevant experts and scholars jointly studied by the Innovation Strategic Research Institute of the China Association for Science and Technology. The system sorted out the characteristics of the development and change of scientific and technological human resources in my country since 2005. Policy suggestions.

【Edit: Jiang Yuwei】

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