There are tax refunds, loans, discounts, consumption and subsidies ... Daqing 10 measures have stabilized economic development

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.06.26

Recently, the People's Government of Daqing City issued the "Daqing City's Stable Economic Promotion Development and the Implementation of Policies and Measures (Trial)", which has introduced 10 measures to stabilize the economic promotion development around the rapid implementation of policies, superposition promotion, dislocation incentives, and support areas. , Be "the prevention and control of the epidemic and the" win -win situation ".

In terms of rapid tax refund, the application of valuable tax refunds and corporate income tax settlement tax refund in compliance with qualified enterprises. From acceptance to tax refund to the corporate account no more than 2 working days, the small tax refund is promoted below 5,000 yuan.

In terms of supporting entrepreneurship, the maximum amount of eligible individual application for entrepreneurial guarantee loans has been increased from 200,000 yuan to 400,000 yuan. The maximum amount of qualified small and micro enterprises applying for entrepreneurial guarantee loans has been increased from 3 million yuan to 6 million yuan , Improve some loans to enjoy the same discounted policy, and maintain fiscal discount intensity.

In terms of employment, supporting operating human resources service agencies provide public welfare employment services for key groups such as college graduates, unemployed and migrant workers, helping them to achieve employment in Daqing City, signing labor contracts with employers and paying them in accordance with regulations. If social insurance premiums are more than 3 months, the employment and entrepreneurial service subsidies for operating human resources service institutions in accordance with a maximum of 200 yuan per person and an institution of up to 1 million yuan a year will be provided.

In terms of promoting consumption, the shopping mall and food festivals were organized in June to December, and 10 million yuan of government consumer coupons were issued in the fields of home appliances, department stores; Different amounts are given according to 3 grades.

In terms of financial reduction to help enterprises, government financing guarantee institutions' guarantee rates on small, medium and micro enterprises have fallen to 0.5%and below.

In terms of vigorously supporting the digital economy, the government has invested 100 million yuan to set up special support funds for digital economy development, which is mainly used to encourage SMEs to go to clouds, accelerate the construction of the Internet of Industrial Internet, and fulfill the digital economy -related policies.

In terms of supporting private non -profit pension institutions, private non -profit pension institutions that rented cities and counties at two state -owned property houses are exempt from 6 months of rent. At the standard of 300 yuan per person in the hospital, private non -profit -based pension institutions are given one -time epidemic prevention operation subsidy. The upper limit of a single institution does not exceed 200,000 yuan.

In terms of increasing government procurement and support for small and micro enterprises, for government procurement projects suitable for the down payment system, the proportion of down payment for small and micro enterprises has been increased to 75%or more of the contract amount.

In terms of key project nucleic acid detection on -site services, it provides services such as on -site mobile sampling vehicles and special sampling points for key project construction units to provide free nucleic acid testing services for managers, construction workers and other related personnel at the construction site.

In terms of strengthening policy propaganda and services, we will sort out the recent stable economic development policies issued by the state, provincial, and municipalities, prepare policy manuals, establish policy classes, open policy hotlines, and go deep into market entities to send policies, ask demand, and solve problems.

Source: Heilongjiang Daily

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