After the wheat harvest, the summer management is busy -an interview with Xincun District, Dongming Beach District

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.06.27

In the three summer seasons, the sun is like fire. "Boom rulong, banglong ..." The roar of accompanied by the random machine, the water was sent to the farmland through the root pipeline. After a while, the corn that was hungry for many days finally drank the water. This is a scene of the farmland next to Village (Gaotai Community), a village of Xingji Township, Dongming County. The joy of wheat harvest has not completely faded, and the hot weather in the day has made the people busy for the field. Up to now, the wheat harvest in Dongming County has ended, and the summer management operations have been rolled out.

Standing on the edge of Tian, ​​Liu Jiteng, a large grain farmer in Xingji Township, Dongming County, told reporters that since 2020, he has been circulating land in the local area. By last fall, it has reached about 500 acres. The small island plot has basically achieved mechanized cultivation.

Liu Jiteng is a villager in Liu Xiaotai Village, Xingji Township, Dongming County. In August 2021, Liu Ji Teng moved to other villagers to the newly -built village (Gaotai Community), a newly -built village of Changxingji Township. After living in a new house, he was engaged in the collection of crop planting and agricultural machinery he was familiar with. After moving into a new home this year, he ushered in the first harvest season. He made a lot of money from the operation of wheat harvesting and summer species.

"At present, the summer species is basically over. Because of the sunny weather, the land is dry, and the villagers have invested in the tense drought resistance work." When talking about the wheat harvest season, the happy smile has not faded from Liu Jiteng's face. The average per mu of wheat is about 500 kilograms. Deducting fixed investment such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, harvesting, etc., as alone, the price of wheat increases per acre more than four or five hundred yuan.

The relevant person in charge of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Dongming County said that at present, the county's farmers are busy with the work of summer and summer management, and because the weather continues to be high temperature, it is busy with drought to fertilize. At the same time, among the wheat harvests that just passed, the county's 1.2 million mu of wheat achieved a "three increases" of total area, total production, and production, of which 480.73 kilograms were produced, which was higher than the city's average yield of 475.26 kg.

In 2017, Shandong Province launched the project of poverty alleviation and relocation of the Yellow River Beach District. In Twenty -four villages in Dongming County, there were 10 in Changxingji Township. He said: "Before, he went north and south to the south. He also accumulated some money when he went out to work all year round. After seeing the changes in his hometown, he decided to pick up the original old business and contract land for agricultural planting."

The original land of the family, with the concentration of the residential area, the villagers moved into the new village also decided to transfer the land. Seeing this trend, even Zhang Wenzeng, who was originally engaged in engineering vehicle maintenance, began to circulate land. In the fall of 2021, the land he operated reached more than 500 acres. Zhang Wenzeng said: "Through inspection, I specifically selected high -gluten wheat varieties with higher output. It is not only suitable for the climate conditions of the beach area. These wheat are about two cents higher than ordinary wheat. The more income is 50,000 to 60,000 yuan. Just as the output of each acre can reach six or seven hundred kilograms at that time, practice has proved that wheat has reached the estimated output. Many farmers like me are quickly enhanced. The better. "

This year's large -scale grain, some who have not purchased a full set of agricultural machinery like Zhang Wenzeng, bought the custody service with the help of the supply and marketing cooperatives, and realized the full -process custody service from planting to receiving. The variety realizes the improvement of the quality of wheat planting, and improves the enthusiasm of the farmers' planting.

Liu Yanmin, the person in charge of the Zhongshe Smart Agriculture (Shandong) Co., Ltd., which belongs to the Dongming County Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union, introduced that last year, the county supply and marketing cooperative system took the initiative to connect the large -scale grain processing enterprise of Heze and signed a 10,000 mu of high -gluten wheat acquisition contract, of which the Yellow River Beach There are more than 7,000 acres of districts, and 24 are built on 24 village platforms to guide various types of cooperatives to expand to the deep processing industry of agricultural products. Essence "After inspection, I found that the Zhongmai 578 promoted now is not only suitable for the climate conditions in the beach area, but also exceeds the output of many ordinary wheat varieties, so that farmers can get high returns from it." Liu Yanmin said. At the same time, the State Grid Heze Power Supply Company, Agricultural Department, and Supply and Marketing Department set up a cross -Yellow River inflowing electric line to provide full -chain and full -process services for agricultural production in the beach area.

Heze Newspaper All -Media Reporter Meng Bing Correspondent Wang Enbiao

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