Fill in the college entrance examination!There are more than a dozen offers waiting for this major?

Author:China Economic Weekly Time:2022.06.27

"China Economic Weekly" reporter Sun Bing | Beijing report

With the advent of the digital economy era, emerging technologies have risen rapidly, which has pushed up the talent needs of talents in related industries. Even in this year when employment pressure is huge, some graduates of emerging technology majors can not only receive high salary, but also "crazy" by employers.

Taking artificial intelligence (AI (AI) as an example, this is one of the most popular majors in the two dimensions of the current examination and employment in April 2018 by the Ministry of Education in April 2018.

According to the "New Career -Artificial Intelligence Engineering Technical Personnel Employment Employment Status Analysis Report" released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in April 2020, my country's artificial intelligence talent gap has exceeded 5 million, and the domestic supply and demand ratio is 1: 10. The proportion of supply and demand is seriously imbalanced. By 2025, the talent gap will exceed 10 million.

A professional graduate of AI, do you have more than a dozen offers waiting?

Xiao Long is currently studying in an artificial intelligence major in a university in Beijing. The university is one of the first 35 colleges and universities that have been allowed to set up a "artificial intelligence" undergraduate major in China. Xiao Long joked that he was the first batch of "crabs in the water".

Xiao Long told the reporter of "China Economic Weekly" that, with his scores of the college entrance examination at that time, he can actually choose a better university, but may not be able to choose his favorite major. Between your favorite majors and better universities, Xiao Long chose the former. "I have been fascinated by robots since junior high school, so I really want to apply for related majors," he said.

According to the reporter's understanding, since the Ministry of Education approved the first batch of artificial intelligence undergraduate majors in 35 universities in 2018, among the new undergraduate majors released by the Ministry of Education in 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019, and 2021 Artificial intelligence major. As of now, more than 440 universities in China have opened artificial intelligence undergraduate majors.

However, before the establishment of artificial intelligence undergraduate majors in domestic universities, many universities' computers, automation, electronic information, communication engineering, software engineering and other departments have already added emerging artificial intelligence, big data, robots and other emerging on the graduate stage. Discipline direction.

"In the past two years, the employment pressure is relatively high. Even if Tsinghua, Peking University, and other" double first -class "graduates are not easy to find a good job. This offer is waiting for you to choose, and the monthly salary can reach about 30,000 to 40,000. "Xiao Long said.

Although the first batch of undergraduates of artificial intelligence majors have not graduated, Xiao Long told reporters that due to the cooperative relationship between schools and domestic head technology Internet companies such as Baidu, Baidu, Jingdong, etc., students have many internship opportunities, and they can give priority to employment. Essence

The "2021 College Professional Employment Competitiveness Report" released by BOSS directly hired by BOSS shows that among the 383 graduate majors, the number one in employment competitiveness is artificial intelligence and machine learning, followed by intelligent science and technology, electronics and computer engineering Probability theory and mathematical statistics and business management.

The "Artificial Intelligence Industry Report" issued by Lagou Recruitment Data Research Institute also shows that since the first quarter of 2021, the proportion of school recruitment positions in the artificial intelligence industry has basically remained at about 10%. Therefore, it can be expected that the artificial intelligence industry will become one of the most demand for school recruiting newcomers. From the perspective of salary, the salary of the artificial intelligence industry is also very competitive. In popular positions, the architect's salary is the highest, and the average monthly salary can reach 40,870 yuan.

The high demand and high salary in the employment market also make the popularity of artificial intelligence appear at the application stage. Baidu Union China Education Online released "Baidu Hot Search · 2022 College Entrance Examination Big Data" shows that candidates' volunteer choices, cutting -edge technical disciplines have attracted more attention. First, the majors such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and its automation, and big data technology follow closely. It is worth mentioning that artificial intelligence has become the professional with the highest search heat growth for 3 consecutive years.

Although the employment prospects are good, Xiao Long said that he will still choose to study or study abroad to continue his studies. "Artificial intelligence is a cross -disciplinary discipline. There are many knowledge systems and coverage. Undergraduate can only learn some basic and general content. To put it plainly, it is some fur. In reality, if you go to work undergraduate, the probability is a normal 'code farmer'; but if further studies, you can choose more advanced R & D positions, "he said.

Chang Meng, Dean of the BOSS Direct Institute of Research, told the reporter of China Economic Weekly that most of the graduates of artificial intelligence undergraduate have not graduated, and their performance in the job market still needs to be observed. However, at present, the artificial intelligence research and development positions of large factories, such as algorithm engineers, have nearly 60%of positions require a master's degree or above.

The reporter also consulted several "seniors" who are currently engaged in the field of artificial intelligence in large manufacturers. "I am very envious of the special artificial intelligence major now. At that time, many things we need to rely on self -study." Cheng Siyuan, who is now in the field of artificial intelligence in Huawei, told China Economic Weekly.

Cheng Siyuan said that artificial intelligence is to a large extent based on mathematics, especially on the algorithm, it must involve a lot of mathematics, mechanical and physics to understand some, and even have requirements for English levels, because many cutting -edge materials are English in English. Essence At the same time, artificial intelligence also pays great attention to practice and cannot talk on paper. "With so many ability requirements and knowledge accumulation, it is not easy to complete the undergraduate stage, unless it is particularly excellent. In addition, artificial intelligence has many directions, such as voice recognition, image processing, intelligent decision -making ... there are great differences in the background of these technologies Well, you can choose one direction in the graduate stage. "Cheng Siyuan said.

"Ability is the key, professionalism is not the most important"

Is the dividends in emerging industries and technical fields belonging to only "professional counterparts" graduates? If there is no chance to be admitted to the relevant major? of course not.

As a well -known domestic technology Internet company, byte beating is not only one of the most powerful Chinese companies in AI technology, but also the world's leader in many fields. Of course, byte beating is also the "Dream Offer" of many graduates. How can I be fancy by bytes? Jingwen, the person in charge of the recruitment of bytes, told the China Economic Weekly: "Ability is the key, professional is not the most important."

According to Jingwen, there are currently more than 20,000 technical talents in bytes, distributed in 32 cities in 11 countries. "Byte -beating positions have fewer levels of professional settings. As long as they meet the job requirements, they will have the opportunity to get the offer." Jingwen revealed that in the byte beating Students from the toxicology, oil paintings, and Urdu are a programmer who beating by byte.

Jingwen said that from the previous school recruitment data, we can see that among the students who have received the OFFER of R & D posts, computers, information, software engineering, communication, and electronic majors are concentrated. From the perspective of graduation schools, the top three are separate, respectively. It is Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Zhejiang University; more than 50%of school recruiting students have been beating in bytes.

"And because the recruitment age is unlimited, the technical students with bytes beating are from 18 to 60 years old, of which more than 37%of them are more than 30 years old." She said.

As for the issues that graduates are most concerned about: "What kind of fresh graduates can attract the recruiters who are most attractive?" Jingwen said that the recruitment philosophy of byte beating is: "People with different people, use the essence of employment. "

"We do not judge the fresh graduates through labels such as experience, background, etc., and we hope to judge the basic quality, characteristics, potential, learning ability, curiosity and development spirit of the fresh graduates. For example, the candidates we favor are: fast learning speed, good at good at Thinking the essence; pursuing the extreme, dare to innovate and break through; do things pragmatically, and go deep into facts. "Jingwen said.

In the end, Jingwen also made the founder Zhang Yiming, the founder of the byte, and the "five characteristics of the excellent young people" shared in the internal speech after the interview was completed.

First, I have curiosity and can actively learn new things, new knowledge and new skills; second, it is optimistic about uncertainty, and it is difficult to deal with it with a positive attitude; To pursue the ultimate; the fourth is not proud, maintain humility, and delay satisfaction; fifth is to judge important things, think about problems in the long run, and make judgment calmly.

According to the reporter's understanding, not only the byte beating, Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, Baidu and many other "big factories" recruitment are very pragmatic, especially technical positions. After all, technical talents "are mules or horses, and they know it." Compared with the background of the academic qualifications, the papers, the projects that have been published, and the learning ability and innovation spirit showed by different dimensions are better stepping stalls.

"The professional requirements of artificial intelligence positions are relatively broad, and most of the graduates of science and engineering can also be done across majors. The competitiveness of basic discipline graduates such as mathematics and physics is also very strong." Chang Meng said.

Chen Yijing, the person in charge of the product of the Lingying Workplace, told the reporter of "China Economic Weekly": "According to the analysis of the data of the leader of the leaders, the global scientific and technological trend forecast, and the investment in the popular field of Internet giants, although the strategies of the global technology Internet giants have their own focus, they are all manual Intelligent, the Internet of Things, blockchain, self -service system, next -generation computing, robotics, data analysis, expansion reality, and other eight key cutting -edge technical directions. The demand continues to rise, especially the composite talents will be very popular. "

Based on this, Chen Yijing also suggested that graduates do not have to set the specific career goal when they apply for job hunting. Today, the hot industry may decline tomorrow. "The improvement of personal competitiveness is linear. It is important to fully understand the development trend of the industry and specific job needs, which may help you bring more value improvement when applying for a job." She said.

(The requirements of the interview object, Xiao Long in the article is a pseudonym)

Responsible editor | Guo Yiyao

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