Scientific and technological services can keep up with high yield and harvest.

Author:Agricultural Science and Techn Time:2022.06.27

On both sides of the Ruhe River in Henan in June, a piece of golden wheat waves were rippling with the wind, accompanied by the loud noise, from time to time, the harvester shuttled through the fields, a ray of summer wind blew, and the wheat incense came from the field. The taste of harvest.

In the wheat field on the south bank of Ruhe, Yan Minjie, the director of the Ruzhou Agricultural Technology Center, finally relieved: "Look, this spike is full, the yield of 1100 pounds per mu is stable."

During the fertility of the wheat, many grass -roots agricultural technicians like Yan Minjie sweated the ground and ran around the fields, in exchange for the ground and harvesting and wheat particles. According to incomplete statistics, 350,000 agricultural technicians nationwide guided services on the front line, grasping the "Sanxia" production to ensure that summer grains have been harmonized.

Science and technology promote the weakness and turn strong, anti -disaster prevention and prevention

"Such a good harvest scene, if it was placed in the winter of last year, I would never dare to imagine it." Yan Minjie sighed. Many grass -roots agricultural technicians have the same feelings: harvest is not easy!

Last year, rare autumn floods caused the nation's 1.10 billion mu of winter wheat to broadcast late. The overall seedling situation was weak and the situation was complicated, which brought challenges to wheat production. In order to ensure the stable and harvest of Xialiang, the Department of Science and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched the special operation of the Winter Wheat "Science and Technology Strong Seedling" in January this year, and supported the late winter wheat to promote the weakness and turns strong.

Miao Qing is the command! Agricultural technicians in various places have quickly moved, actively implementing technical measures to promote weak and strong, and promote the rapid transformation of seedlings.

"This year's grain is like a difficult time." Yang Kunpeng, the head of the farmers' professional cooperative of Yugai Planting, Wuyang County, Luohe City, Henan Province, appreciated the deepest. Affected by Qiu Xun, the cooperative's land was collected in early November, and Yang Kunpeng was anxious: "The Lidong has passed, is it okay for me to grow wheat?"

Zhang Wencai, a agricultural technician at the Wuyang County Agricultural Technology Terminal, opened the "good recipe" for Yang Kunpeng to broadcast late for Yang Kunpeng: "To believe in technology, there will be harvesting." After listening to Zhang Wencai, Yang Kunpeng immediately acted. On November 19 last year, The sowing is over. Finally, after the three water was poured, on December 9, Zhang Wencai's wheat came out!

The growth of the wheat is getting better and better. Yang Kunpeng's brows are getting more and more stretched and motivated. Under the guidance of Zhang Wencai, freezing and ginstickness, "one spray and three defenses", scientific management step by step. In the summer, Yang Kunpeng was particularly happy: not only did not reduce production, but also made more food!

During the more than 200 days of planting to the harvest, the promotion researcher Ju Zhengchun, the promotion researcher of the Shandong Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, walked in the field most of the time. Heart, he always heard the order and appeared at the scene as soon as possible.

Fang Langtao, director of the Agricultural Technology Promotion Service Center in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, and agricultural technical experts, every day, they are greedy and black, leading the technical backbone to investigate the situation in detail in Tiantou, eat through the situation, and precise policy. "We didn't dare to relax for a moment. We always held up our hearts and used all kinds of technical measures. The land was not diligent and finally exchanged for a good harvest!" Fang Langtao said.

Looking back at the field, the scenes of the scenes were in the eyes, and the majority of farmers led farmers through the difficulties, and the scene of the harvest showed step by step.

From planting to continuous line, online and offline guidance busy

In the early morning of April 15th, Liu Yanping, a agricultural technician in Sanhe City, Hebei, received a call from Chen Fakui, a large grain planner: "My wheat plant is yellow, you will come and see."

Liu Yanping hurried to Chen Fakui's Maiyi, and when she saw the plant yellow, pulled up, the plant fell off, and there was a trace of bite. "This is a golden needle insect or cricket, and quickly take the medicine." Chen Fakui heard it, and the hanging heart fell. The story of "emergency" for farmers' wheat "emergency" is "commonplace" for grass -roots farmers who are running on the front line.

Dong Haiying, a farmer in Xiangfu District, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, said: "We are the doctors and nanny of farmland. The doctor is to seriously ask the pulse diagnosis, understand all the pests and insect pests in the crops, and then guide farmers for treatment. If you plant it, you must understand the emotions of seedlings, emotions, and pests, and then guide farmers to manage carefully. "

There is no small matter for agriculture, and there is no end to service. Farmers from all over the place are present, households, and fields, handle their hands, face -to -face technical services, and go to the fields to carry out technical guidance and training.

In order to make technical services in place, realize, and help farmers solve practical problems more conveniently and faster, agricultural technicians also carry out "cloud" service across time and space through Douyin, WeChat, spring tube small video, Tencent conference and other forms. "Cloud" consultation, interacting with planting professional cooperatives and large planting households to solve problems at any time.

Liu Yanping has a job group, and the group is full of large grain farmers who plant more than 100 acres. She not only often sends technical information, video materials, and agricultural weather information, but also answers the technical problems encountered by large households at any time.

Not only do you need to help farmers increase production, but also to promote farmers' income, farmers have exhausted their thoughts about it. In order to improve the efficiency of farmers' wheat planting, Wang Liansheng of the Agricultural Technical Promotion Station in Anyang County, Henan Province has vigorously promoted the high -tear wheat varieties such as "New Wheat 26", "Fengde Cun Wheat 21" and "Zhongmai 578". Measures for soil measurement formula fertilization, scientific watering, and diseases and insect worship prevention to ensure the output and quality of wheat and achieve high -quality and high -quality price.

In order to improve the loss rate of wheat machines, agricultural technicians in Weifang, Liaocheng and other places in Shandong planned agricultural technology training before the start of wheat harvest to ensure that summer grain particles returned to positions. The agricultural machinery technicians in Anqiu City, Weifang, explained step by step to the technical essentials of wheat machines to reduce damage and loss. In the Huayang Agricultural Machinery Cooperative of Guotun Town, Yanggu County, Liaocheng, agricultural machinery technicians explained around the practice operation of wheat machines and reduced damage to ensure that the wheat should be collected and the particles returned to the position. Farmers in various places go deep into the front -line field guidance and preparation of technical guidance plans, and organize a series of technical training. The wheat does not accept it, the management is constantly, sweating wheat fields, guarding the granary, and the main theme of "hiding grain in technology" is louder in the field.

Summer breeds cannot be loose, autumn grains are broadcast well

From south to north, summer tube in summer is hot. The busy season of "San Xia" is a key stage related to the annual agricultural harvest. It is not only the mature harvest of summer harvest crops, but also an important period for the growth and development of summer crops and the growth and development of spring crops. For agricultural technicians, the joy of the harvest of summer grains was only in their hearts, and the heavy responsibility of Xia Xunxia tube was on the shoulders.

During the "Sanxia" period, the rotation of "wheat-corn" and "wheat-rice" is the main planting model of the Huanghuaihai area. After the wheat harvest, summer corn, summer soybeans and rice are sowed in Henan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Anhui, etc. The ground opened.

"Sauce in the corn field not only ensures the area and output of corn sowing, but also receive an additional soybean. The government also gives subsidies. This place is cost -effective!" Song Yuedong said that for the first time, I tried soybean corn -shaped in the cooperative place to be planted, and I hope that there is a good harvest. Under the guidance of agricultural technicians, Song Yuedong put the seeds in soybean corn band -shaped composite planting sowing machines. It completed the seedling after more than 100 acres of land. The two lines of corn and four lines of soybeans were neat.

Technical guidance should not be loose at a moment, and it has to be followed up. The agricultural technical personnel of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Zhangqiu District, Jinan City, Shandong organized advanced management technologies such as seed coats, reasonable dense planting, single -granularity, and water saving water and water saving. Under the circumstances, the wicker machine is cut off, corn mechanical county, and deeply applying the "one dragon" operation, and promote measures to farmers with reasonable dense planting, diseased diseases, and water and fertilizer management to farmers.

In the "Central Plains Grain" Henan, summer species have been accelerated. In response to problems such as many types of autumn crops, short production time, and heavy disaster reduction tasks, the province organizes 18 expert groups and agricultural technicians to adopt the combination of online and offline to categorize the technical guidance of spring and summer autumn crops field management technical guidance. Guide farmers to carry out seedlings, watering and fertilization in a timely manner, and ensure that the seedlings are mixture.

The summer species directly related to the harvest of autumn grains, agricultural technicians in various places sank one after the way, promoted the orderly development of summer and summer tubes, implemented key measures for disaster prevention and mitigation, strengthened the management of crop fields, and set up a harvest shelf.

And now walk from the beginning. In order to welcome the next round of harvest, farmers continue to run around in the village ...

Author: Farmers Daily · China Agricultural Net reporter Li Liying

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