Sichuan Development Li Hansong is in charge of Fenggu Lu Zhongming as the general manager

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.28

On June 24th, Fenggu Wine held a cadre conference to announce the appointment and removal of major personnel: Assistant to the general manager of Sichuan Development Corporation, Li Hansong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Sichuan Development Asset Management Company, and chairman of Fenggu Wine Company; Yao Guanghua, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman, no longer serves as the party committee secretary, chairman and chairman of the Fenggu Wine Company; Lu Zhongming, deputy secretary, director and general manager of Fenggu Wine Company, will continue to host the Fenggu Wine Industry Daily affairs.

In December 2018, Fenggu Liquor returned to state assets.

In 2019, the Fenggu Wine Industry achieved sales revenue of 1.278 billion yuan, an increase of 75.5%year -on -year; the operating profit was 50 million yuan, and for the first time in six years, it achieved a profit.

In 2020, Fenggu entered the consolidation period. In 2021, the performance of Fenggu Wine industry throughout the year increased by 41.13%year -on -year, and operating profit increased by 157.22%year -on -year.

According to the plan, Fenggu Wine Industry strives to achieve a goal of breaking through 2 billion yuan, spanning 3 billion yuan, and going to 5 billion yuan during the "14th Five -Year Plan" period, and achieve the main board listing.

Li Hansong emphasized that we must adhere to the problem orientation and improve the effectiveness of work. In 2022, it is more than half, but due to the factors in various aspects, the actual completion of the task is more than half of the time and the requirements of the task are still large. Grasp the rest of the time, vigorously improve the quality of work, and focus on the "3355" strategic goals to ensure the smooth achievement of the annual goals.

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