Can the Shanghai Index Four Lianyang successfully stood on the 3400 -point A -share rising market?

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.29

Wen | Zhang Ying

On June 28, the three major A -share index fluttered throughout the board. The total transaction between the two cities was 1221.3 billion yuan, and the fourth consecutive trading day exceeded the trillion yuan. Northern wing funds bought over 4.6 billion yuan. There are many hot spots in the market, and the increase in electronics, social services, transportation, coal and other industries has attracted much attention. After two months of rebound, can the rise of A shares continue? From the perspective of the Shenlian industry, 28 industries have achieved rising. Among them, the electronics industry has risen to the top of 3.32%, followed by social services, transportation, coal, machinery and equipment, and national defense and military industry. Both over 2%. Only real estate, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing, and beauty care have fallen. In terms of daily limit board, on June 28, 139 stocks rose daily limit. Among them, there were 22 limit stocks, and the stock price had risen more than 5 consecutive trading days. From the perspective of the industry, the mechanical and equipment industry has the most daily limit stocks, reaching 31, followed by electronics (17), automobile (15), basic chemicals (11), and power equipment (11) and other industries Essence Table: Rising on the 5th consecutive day and today's daily limit Stocks Situation: Zhang Ying said today's market performance, Xia Fengjing, the manager of Rongzhi Investment Fund under the row network, said that with the deepening of the rise, the original solution funds and obtaining obtained Dual resistance to refer to funds will increase. Therefore, after the rise in recent trading days, the market has diverged again, and even the fluctuation is normal. For investors in the empty position, avoid chasing high, and to configure value stocks with long -term vision is a good choice. Hao Xinming, manager of Fangxin Wealth Investment Fund, believes that the market has rebounded since the end of April for two months. During the period, the rise and rising all the way and the decline in the beginning of the year have caused sharp contrasts. Under the comprehensive influence of the internal and external environment, it is not realistic to form a reversal. The space and time of the continuous rebound of A shares are approaching the limit. On June 28th, from the hot sector, the tourist hotel sector rose 5.4%. Among them, the daily limit of seven stocks and the 20CM daily limit of tourism in the Western Regions. In this regard, Shanxi Securities stated that in the short term, cross -provincial tourism and group tour recovery in an orderly manner, and the tourism market confidence boosted. In the middle and long term, the prevention and control of the epidemic and the development of the new crown special effects of the drug determine the industry to stabilize the rebound. It is recommended to pay attention to 1. Performance restoration of leisure scenic spots, such as the China Tourism, Tianmu Lake, and Songcheng Performing Arts. It has artificial leisure scenic spots around first and second -tier cities to meet the needs of tourists short -distance and surrounding travel needs; For example, in China, China is exempted to continue to guide consumption return, and the pace of adjustment of the epidemic situation is fast, and the sales of sales continue to increase; 3. At the bottom of the cycle, the first travel hotel and the Jinjiang Hotel are currently at the bottom of the hotel cycle, and the performance appears compared to the previous year. Obvious improvement, continue to develop mid -to -high -end hotels and increase chain rate. The analysis of Shenyin Wanuo Securities believes that with the opening of the food and the restoration of the scenic area, the tourism consumption is expected to recover strongly. It is expected that e -commerce, tax -free, hotel and other sectors will usher in a rapid repair period. Recommended target: 1. Hotel: First Travel Hotel, Huazhu, Junting Hotel; 2. Scenic Area: Songcheng Performing Arts, Haichang Ocean Park, Zhongyue Travel; Regarding the market outlook, Hu Zhenyi, manager of Honghan Investment Fund, said that compared with overseas inflation pressure, domestic inflation is still within the normal range, and the import and export data in May will reach a record high. As the growth policy in June has continued to strengthen, it is expected that three three are expected to be three. From quarter to fourth quarter, there will be great improvement. Before the introduction of macro data in the third quarter, the policy is still expected to be maintained. In the past two years, the suppression factors of some industries are expected to dissolve. The decline in the year is more valuation fluctuations. This year, some prosperity industries will exceed last year's high. In the short term, the opportunity for the prosperity industry is still the best, and the index is expected to recover the lost land during the year. Lang Yicheng, general manager of Furong Fund Research Department, believes that this round of rebound is mainly divided into two stages. The first stage is the repair of the valuation brought by "epidemic relief+currency looseness". rise. It is currently in the second stage, such as cars, photovoltaic and other sectors. The short -term domestic economy is still in the upward macro environment with loose liquidity after the epidemic, and the market also performs strongly. The main strategy is to focus on the growth sector, focusing on the downstream raw material prices. Rate improve the trend.

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