Brokers and funds are actively preparing for ETF interconnection: Do a good job of preparation for investment and teaching services in an orderly manner

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.29

Our reporter Chang Xueyu

On the evening of June 28, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission of China issued a joint announcement (hereinafter referred to as the "Joint Announcement") stating that ETF's interconnection mechanism for the interconnection of the Mainland and the Hong Kong stock market will be officially launched on July 4, 2022.

In response, the "Securities Daily" reporter's first connecting nearly 50 securities companies and fund companies was informed that some securities companies have been included in ETF incorporations to conduct investor education and related services in advance; The work is carried out in an orderly manner.

The "Joint Announcement" proposes that securities companies (or brokers) should abide by relevant regulatory regulations and business rules, strengthen internal control, prevent and control risks, do a good job of investor education and services, and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

Relevant personnel of Chuancai Securities told the Securities Daily that the company has done relevant investment and publicity through channels such as official website, WeChat public account, and business outlets. Related agreements and risk disclosure have been updated to the latest version. In the future, we will continue to carry out rich and diverse investment and publicity activities.

"Tianfeng Securities conducted a thorough deployment for the smooth launch of the interconnection business of the two places." The relevant person in charge of Tianfeng Securities introduced to the "Securities Daily" reporter that the company actively responded to the supervision of the two places. Reform the corresponding business rules, set up a special project implementation group, and participate in the exchanges' multi -round special business test and the entire network technology test. At the same time, the revision process of related business systems and customer protocols has been promoted. Leading system upgrade and other related preparations.

The "Joint Announcement" also proposes that all parties in the market should pay close attention to the preparations before startup to ensure that ETF is included in the interconnection and the successful implementation.

"ETF is included in the interconnection for some fund companies that have established China Hong Kong subsidiaries. They can use their past cross -border advantages accumulated in the two places markets and flexibly layout." The Castrol Fund told the "Securities Daily" reporter, the Carnesses Fund It was the first batch of fund companies to obtain a subsidiary in Hong Kong, China in 2008. Later in 2020, it was approved to register for Shenzhen -Hong Kong ETF interoperability products (the first batch). Accumulate products that are competitive in different segmented tracks.

The CICC Fund revealed to the "Securities Daily" reporter that "the company will pay close attention to ETFs into interconnected related businesses and actively prepare for it. At the same time, investor education will be carried out."

Huatai Berry Fund introduced to the "Securities Daily" reporter that "related preparations are undergoing orderly."

The Shenwan Lingxin Fund Investment Department told reporters that in the next, the company will do a good job of index research and development and product layout in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Shanghai -Shenzhen Exchange and the research and judgment of China's economic development trend.

Boshi Fund revealed that it will actively communicate with the Shanghai -Shenzhen Exchange in the future and provide them with new investment tools according to the needs of overseas investors.

In addition, insiders insiders in a public fund company in North China predict that the fund company may be prepared before the start of the start of two aspects: on the one hand, the operation and maintenance system may need to be connected with the Hong Kong market; On the other hand, some products will be made in the Hong Kong market.

Castrol Fund told the Securities Daily that ETF has always been an important target for investors to participate in the capital market investment. Earlier, most foreign investors invest in ETFs in the Mainland. Most of the mainland ETFs can only be purchased by ETFs listed in Hong Kong. In the future, direct investment can be made through ETF interconnection, which is conducive to introducing long -term funds to the A -share market. On the one hand, some mainland ETF rates are lower than Hong Kong ETF. On the other hand, ETF is included in interconnection to enrich foreign investment varieties and improve its investment convenience. ETF incorporates an important investment dimension for many overseas investors to participate in the A -share market. Many overseas investors who still have concerns about direct investment in A -share stocks and relatively lack of understanding of mainland fund managers can use ETF. The channels with high transparency and convenient transactions enter the A -share market, thereby bringing considerable incremental funds to the A -share market.

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