2021 Resource -exhausted city transformation performance evaluation Excellent city typical experience Introduction 5: Luzhou City, Sichuan Province

Author:National Development Reform Co Time:2022.06.29

Editor's note: Recently, after being reported to the State Council's consent, our committee and the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Natural Resources jointly issued the "Notice on the Results of the Resource Dental City Transformation Performance Evaluation of Resources of Resources in 2021" Seven resource -exhausted cities including Jiawang District, Jiangxi Province, Tongling City, Jiangxi Province, Tongling City, Anhui Province, Zichuan District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, Zhangjiakou District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, and Puyang City, Henan Province The results of transformation performance evaluation are excellent. The typical experience and practices of the above cities are published as follows, for reference for learning of similar cities across the country.

At the beginning of the heart, Ru Pan worked forward to accelerate the comprehensive transformation of the economy and society

In recent years, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, has adhered to people -oriented, innovative -driven, open development, coordinating the promotion of ecological protection, industrial transformation, and improving people's livelihood, innovating and solving the structural contradictions of restricting development. New paths and new models of local characteristics. In the 2021 resource -exhausted city transformation performance evaluation, Luzhou City was excellent.

The first is to do the trend and continuously improve the level of opening and opening to the outside world. Seize strategic opportunities such as the “Belt and Road” and the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu -Chongqing, and make overall use of the two domestic and foreign markets to expand new space for economic and social development. Together with Chongqing Yongchuan District and Jiangjin District, they jointly explore the moderate separation of reform and reform of the three places and administrative regions, promote the construction of the Sichuan -Chongqing Industrial Cooperation Demonstration Park, plan and build 359 major projects, with a total investment of 735.481 billion yuan, and the total investment of the year exceeded 100 billion yuan Essence Establishing a port economy development alliance, 133 economy enterprises, and 132 countries and regions in trade. Established the Trade Development Alliance of Traditional Chinese Medicine Services, and its business expanded to 9 countries and 15 overseas institutions in Asia, Europe, and Africa. In 2021, the city's total foreign trade imports and exports increased by 44.3%year -on -year.

The second is to take multiple measures and vigorously promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure. Accelerate the development of the entire chain, give full play to leading companies such as Luzhou Laojiao and Langjiu to lead the leading role, create a full -industry chain that integrates red grain planting, brewing, packaging materials, warehousing and logistics, and exhibition finance to build characteristics to build characteristics Liquor industry cluster. Relying on China Electronics (Luzhou) Industrial Park and the Great Wall of China (Luzhou) Xinchuang Industrial Demonstration Park, the entire industrial chain of the electronic information industry has been built, and it has developed into an important electronic information manufacturing base in the Southwest. Strengthen the driver of scientific and technological innovation, cultivate leading companies with leading domestic oil and gas mining technology and strong supporting capabilities through technological transformation, and take the lead in achieving localization of key machinery and equipment. Innovate digital applications, cultivate and develop outstanding practical enterprises in industrial digital construction, basically achieve mechanized brewing of the entire process of liquor, reduce water consumption by more than 50%, decreases from sewage by more than 40%, and increase production efficiency by more than 30%.

Automated electronic production line

The third is to persevere and build an ecological protection barrier along the Yangtze River. Accelerate the construction of ecological civilization and strive to protect the green mountains and green mountains upstream of the Yangtze River. Carry out the ecological restoration of 10 kilometers along the Yangtze River coast and abandoned mines in key areas, implement 45 emergency risk management and control projects for tailsulfinal stab yard, effectively treat 114 mines, and repair the area of ​​120 hectares to increase the urban forest coverage to 51%. Strictly control the access of industrial projects, and continue to promote the relocation of the riverside chemical enterprises and the green development of the steel industry. Strengthen environmental risk prevention and control, and carry out risk assessment and hidden dangers to key risk source enterprises such as petrochemical and brewing. Innovate the use of "grid+Internet" environmental supervision methods to improve the information level of environmental improvement work, provincial, cities, and county -level environmental information overall projects are selected as the third digital China Construction Summit Digital Ecological Sub -Forum Excellent Application Case. Promote the comprehensive rectification of water resources and water environment, comprehensively eliminate the black and odorous water bodies of the built -up area, ensure that the water quality of the Luzhou section of the Yangtze River maintains the stability of the water quality of the Class II standard, and achieve the water quality of the centralized drinking water sources at or above the county level.

Yuzixi Ecological Park panorama map

The fourth is not to forget the original intention and make every effort to improve the well -being of society. Increase investment in social livelihood security, people's livelihood expenditure accounted for a steady proportion of general public budget expenditures to maintain more than 70%. Continue to improve the level of social security, the "9 consecutive upgrades" of urban and rural minimum insurance, and the rescue support standards for urban and rural areas, and the support standards for the rescue and support of the special poverty -stricken personnel have continued to increase the basic medical insurance and basic pension insurance insurance rates. Accelerate the construction of the medical security system, improve the settlement of medical insurance expenses, and be evaluated by the national medical insurance fund supervision method to innovate and piloted outstanding areas. Vigorously implement employment assistance for employment difficulties, dynamically eliminate zero employment families, and the city's urban registration rate is stable within 2.6%. Continuously improve the public service capabilities, accelerate the construction of digital government, register the Internet+platform, and the intelligent Luzhou governance cloud platform and other government informatization and digital innovation cases have been promoted nationwide, and the degree of convenience of the people's lives has been greatly improved.

Healthy Card of the National Prevention Center of Jiangmen Town, Xuyong County

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