Community of high -end aluminum manufacturing and application innovation and entrepreneurial community: collaborative innovation runs "acceleration"

Author:Binzhou Daily Time:2022.06.29

Binzhou Daily/Binzhou Net News In Binzhou, there is such a high -tech company, which provides more than 100 batches of high -performance aluminum -based composite materials such as "Chang'e", "Tianwen", "Dragon Boat", and other high -end equipment. More than 10,000 pieces, the products fill a number of domestic gaps. The company's core team is led by the "National Jieqing Fund" winner and the selected by the "Chinese Academy of Sciences". It is the China Science and Technology Power of the Society of Metals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the strong strength of Weiqiao Venture Group, and the China Science and Technology Compound Materials Co., Ltd., which is established in a joint venture.

Why does a company that uses technological innovation as a gene and is the top of the "pyramid" of the "pyramid" and successfully settled in the Yellow River high -end equipment manufacturing industrial park in Binzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone?

"This is due to the" science and education creation "integration development and innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem that we created, and the" government -based research funding "the full factor efficient synergy, the optimization and integration of resources, the project is unprecedented by the transformation of the project, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements." Wei Zuoshan, Secretary -General of the high -end aluminum manufacturing and application innovation and entrepreneurial community of Shandong Province, broke the "heaven" in a word.

With the "career" as the core and "interest" as the bond community guidance mechanism, shaping the aluminum industry sustainable innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem

The world aluminum is looking at China, China aluminum is seen in Shandong, and Shandong Aluminum is looking at Binzhou. As the largest aluminum industry in my country, Shandong not only has a large scale in the aluminum industry, but also has a complete industrial chain.

At the 2018 Shandong Aluminum Development Symposium, it proposed that Binzhou was the core area to build a world -class high -end aluminum base in the province. As one of the 31 provincial -level innovation and entrepreneurship communities in the province's key layout, in January 2020, the high -quality development of the "Shandong Aluminum" brand aims to promote the high -quality development of aluminum industry and create a community of high -end aluminum manufacturing and application innovation entrepreneurship (following For short -end aluminum community), the construction.

A good industrial ecology is the soil that gathers industries and give birth to innovation, and it is also the key to shaping the core competitiveness of the region.

Focusing on the transformation and upgrading of the province's high -end aluminum industry, the Binzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of the" Binzhou "Government, Property Research, Research, Research and Entrepreneurship Community", which highlights the demonstration of the high -end aluminum manufacturing and application innovation and entrepreneurship community of Shandong Province. The provincial and foreign universities, enterprises, financial institutions, and service agencies innovate and entrepreneurship and creative vitality, accelerate the formation of the aluminum industry's sustainable innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem, and accelerate the subversive change and high -quality development of the aluminum industry cluster.

The high -end aluminum community is led by the Weiqiao National Science Research Institute, and 18 initiatives including Shandong Aluminum Valley, Shandong Aluminum Association, Bohai Advanced Technology Research Institute, Innovation Metals, and Huajian Technology are jointly built as the core members. The lead unit Weiqiao National Science and Technology Research Institute gathered high -end innovation resources such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National University of Science and Technology, and played the role of Weiqiao Entrepreneurship Group, the world's largest aluminum industry leading enterprise, and "focusing on a industry, building a model, creating a model, creating a model Ecology, forming a cluster "requirement, combined with Binzhou industrialization resources, to create a world -class high -end aluminum industry innovation and entrepreneurial demonstration platform integrating science and technology research and development, results transformation, talent cultivation, and technology finance, and drive upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to cross high -end aluminum materials Technical threshold and industrial threshold. At present, 48 member units have been absorbed.

How to play a gathering effect of corporate, university scientific research institutes, and service platforms, and so on.

"This was a major problem that had troubled the 'community' for a period of time." Wei Zhaoshan admitted that after exploring, the high -end aluminum community perfectly formed a community guidance mechanism with "career" as the core and "interest" as the link, encouraging and supporting the "members of members +Member "," member+research institution "," member+research institution+financial institution "innovative model, and through various systems and reward measures to guide community members to pay attention to the improvement of research and development capabilities and talent training to achieve long -term healthy development.

The high -end aluminum community also innovatively implements the performance assessment of member units in accordance with the "unit self -assessment+community evaluation" method, comprehensively understands the project research and development progress and fund use, and puts forward rectification requirements for the latter member units. The assessment has stimulated the motivation to innovate, so that members who really meet the positioning of the community are left and continue to play a role.

Gathering the seven elements of "taking government and research funds", play the role of "top -down" and "bottom -up", the role

On January 12, the high -end aluminum community released the direction of the 2022 science and technology research and development and achievement transformation project, covering the application fields of high -end aluminum in the entire industrial chain application fields such as automobiles, ships, rail transit, military industry, mining, etc. At present, 3-4 technology joint research projects are planned according to the project situation reported by each unit.

"The community combed the technical list on the basis of in -depth corporate on -site inspections, adopted the form of the" unveiled list ", and encouraged member units to unveil the list. Products and equipment, promote the "chain, strong chain, extension chain 'of the industrial chain, and explore the development of high -end leading projects." Wei Zuoshan introduced.

As a systematic project, innovation tests system integration capabilities.

High -end aluminum community gathers seven elements of "government -based research funds", exert the role of "top -down" and "bottom -up", and explore the establishment of "demand survey -joint research -fund input -fund input - — Industry landing -market application "five links in the five links of the entire chain coordinated development mechanism, beading chain and linking the network, creating industrial, technology, and talent clusters, solving the" card neck "technical problems and key common technical issues of the industry. In the process, the three major interest links of funds, key technologies, and industrial development have allowed all parties to be close to the "community of interests", and gradually form a new advantage of the development of the aluminum industry. The lightweight base with a total investment of 3.22 billion yuan, through politics, production, learning, research, research, gold, and use coordination to build aluminum body, squeezing (profile), stamping, casting, forging, mold, and testing center to build the largest domestic domestic. , The most advanced and full -process car lightweight research and development, trial production, manufacturing base.

Among them, the whole aluminum body/chassis parts special, high -end aluminum community collaborative member unit and Suzhou University, Hunan University, Northeast University, Shandong University, Overseas Chinese University, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, South China Institute of Technology and other units to carry out technology joint In terms of research, the project research and development cycle is 5 years, with a total of R & D funding of 110 million yuan.

How to ensure the continuous supply of continuous supply?

"The high -end aluminum community establishes fund management companies. The first phase of 800 million science and technology funds has completed the investment, and the 1.5 billion lightweight industrial funds have been completed." Wei Zuoshan introduced that the well -equipped fund system provides initial initial initially providing initial production and research cooperation. The kinetic energy makes the innovative flywheel truly turning, and the successful transformation of scientific and technological achievements will be transformed, and the market application will be completed and new technical needs.

The successful landing of Zhongke Fuxing Materials (Binzhou) New Materials Co., Ltd. is the first attempt to gather the innovation model of high -end aluminum community seven elements.

In the process, the Binzhou Municipal Government provides supporting land factories, preferential policies, and specialization services; the National Science and Technology Platform Company and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have set up a joint venture company to be responsible for the implementation of the production line; ; The Institute of Metals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences continued to support technical support, and the R & D plan of 20 million yuan in 5 years; the results of the science and technology fund injection of the capital injection to achieve a win -win situation; the community metal testing center and other innovative platforms provided public services; China aerospace, China nuclear industry, China weapon and other market users , Determine the development of new products and new technologies from the demand side.

The "one -stop" elements of the seven major innovation elements are all available and collaborative fusion. The transformation project of aluminum -based composite materials results from signing to the landing trial production lasted for less than one year, achieving a win -win situation for multiple parties.

In order to effectively gather the seven innovation elements and give full play to the role of high -level experts in consulting and staff in scientific and technological management and decision -making, high -end aluminum community forms a think tank consulting platform covering domestic first -class industrial experts, technical experts, financial experts, and financial experts. At present, there are 11 experts from the expert consulting committee, and the expert library has increased to 27 people, providing high -end intellectual support for the development of the aluminum industry.

The overall planning and layout of the entire industry chain leads the subversive change and high -quality development of the aluminum industry in Shandong Province

At the end of 2021, the high -end aluminum community unveiled list in 2021, Shandong Province's major scientific and technological innovation project, aluminum -based transportation lightweight provincial science and technology demonstration engineering project was approved by the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and strived to 48.32 million yuan in provincial financial support funds. The implementation of this project will fill the gap in the lightweight chassis field in domestic new energy vehicles, promote the overall technological upgrade of the entire automotive industry, promote the rise in the aluminum industry in our province to the high -end value chain, and will drive the industry to increase the value of nearly 100 billion yuan.

"The high -end aluminum communist volume pole participates in the" unveiling of the list "event of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology. In 2021, we connected 21 aluminum alloy and red mud treatment related industrialized projects to solve the technical problems of enterprise and promote the integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain." Wei Zuoshan introduced.

Focusing on the industrial chain deployment innovation chain, the industry chain of the innovation chain, stretching the industrial chain, and enhancing the synergy of industrial clusters. The first -class innovation results are naturally water to complete and fully flow.

Since the establishment of the high -end aluminum community, it has focused on the application of high -end aluminum in the field of lightweight, aluminum industry circulation and intelligent manufacturing in the field of aluminum industry, and intelligent manufacturing. After the project is completed, it is expected to add 940 million yuan, 65 million yuan in taxes, and apply for more than 50 patents.

Aiming at the "gathering place of global aluminum industry, the source of future innovation, leaders of high -end technology, and leaders of industrial development", the high -end aluminum community adheres to global planning and promotes the innovation of high -end aluminum industry chain.

Carry out the development of the development of the entire industry chain, and in -depth "blocking points" and "shortcomings" of industrial improvement. The high -end aluminum community cooperates with Shanghai Nonferrous Network and New Materials Online. R & D direction. There have been 10 copies of aluminum industry maps, 43 problems, and more than 10 industry research reports. At present, it is cooperating with the Wuhan Literature and Intelligence Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to investigate the current status and technological development of the aluminum -related market abroad, focus on the domestic "card neck" technical problems and key common technical problems, form an industry development research report, and provide a reference for the development of the domestic aluminum industry development. Essence

Taking the lightweight base as the starting point, integrate domestic and foreign research institutions and backbone production enterprises, give full play to the industrial advantages of high -end technology and aluminum power integration, actively carry out industrial docking and landing work, and accelerate the construction of aluminum industry clusters. The high -end aluminum community cooperates with car companies such as FAW, Dongfeng, BAIC Futian to strengthen the docking with leading enterprises such as Ningde Times and Min Shi Group, build a solid production and sales system, and continue to strengthen the chain, extended chain, and supplement chain. At the same time, in conjunction with Suzhou University, Suzhou Aojie, Guangzhou and Germany, and Hangqiao Company, we jointly build the largest, most advanced, and full -process automotive lightweight research and development, trial production, and manufacturing bases in China to accelerate the entire chain of the aluminum industry. With scientific and technological research and development and the transformation of achievements, the community has improved the overall level of the aluminum processing industry in our province through joint technology research, and promoted the upgrading of high -end aluminum industry clusters. The efficient gathering and optimized configuration of the innovation elements of "government and property research funds" will form an innovative and entrepreneurial environment with full vitality and full sources of innovation. For more than two years of the high -end aluminum community, cultivating 3 provincial -level new R & D institutions, 6 incubation technology enterprises, 4 special parks, 4 academicians, 4 national talents, 10 provincial talents, doctoral doctors, doctoral doctors 34 people, the high -level communication dialogue platform such as Weiqiao National Science and Technology Lecture Hall and the Bohai Science and Technology Conference was successfully built ...

In the next step, the high -end aluminum community will continue to deepen the innovation of institutional mechanisms and model methods, strengthen technological research, industrial implementation, talent introduction and scientific and technological services, and actively carry out the strategic layout of the entire industry chain. Promote the collaborative cooperation of the industrial chain, comprehensively sort out the "card neck" technology and common key technologies that restrict the industrial chain, adhere to the development of research and development and industries together, realize the coordination and development of various elements, improve the influence of the community, and lead the high -quality leapfrogs of the aluminum industry in Shandong Province in Shandong Province develop.

(Reporter Li Shuxia Correspondent Wang Hongmei Zheng Yunzhi)

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