Tai'an City New Type Materials Industry Chain Special Class to Ningyang County Visit Research Related Enterprises

Author:Tai'an Daily Time:2022.06.29

On the 28th, the comprehensive coordination team of the new building materials industry chain of Tai'an City went to Ningyang County to investigate the basic situation of the construction of the green building materials industry chain project.

The research team went to Shandong Xinyang Shengye Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Shandong Centennial Yixi Stone Industry Co., Ltd., and Tai'an Jinshi Industry Co., Ltd. to conduct field investigations on site, and listened to the introduction of the project. Subsequently held a symposium in the conference room in Ningyang County to learn more about the planning, signing, starting, investment in place, three key dispatch projects of the industrial chain project, and "the implementation of major industrial projects", "five major competitions, two major questions" The implementation of the key task plan involved in the working mechanism.

The research team highly evaluated the development of the green building materials industry chain in Ningyang County, and put forward six suggestions and suggestions on the next step. The research team pointed out that the personnel of the industrial chain team should strengthen industrial thinking and economic thinking, continue to strengthen learning, and continuously improve the entrepreneurial ability of officers; focus on the project construction around "high, big, new, green, and wisdom", highlighting the characteristic parks around characteristic parks Construction to focus on highlights, focus on planning around key industrial projects, guarantee factor protection around the needs of enterprises, and focus on the assessment data, and strengthen cooperation to attract investment.

The relevant person in charge of the green building materials industry chain in Ningyang County said that the next step will be strengthened and communicated with the city's new building materials industry chain, research and implementation one by one, actively strive for the lead, give full play to the role of the industrial chain class, and continue to continue Great and strengthen the green building materials industry chain.

[Tai'an Daily · Most Thai Security Media Reporter Qin Hao Tong Xun Xun Zhang Wei Songlin]

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