Sichuan Rongxian: "Third -level Secretary" captured 250,000 mu of soybean production together

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.29

Jiang Bing Cover Journalist Liu Ke Sheng

Recently, in a green cornfield in Huangjia Village, Shuangshi Town, Rongxian County, Sichuan, Liu Weiguo, a professor of Sichuan Agricultural University in Sichuan Agricultural University wearing straw hats, trains the four four beans on the spot. Core technology. The training was Hu Weifeng, deputy secretary of the Rong County Party Committee, and the party committee secretary of the towns (streets) of the county, and the county's agricultural technicians. At the scene, three different types of machinery demonstrated the seedlings on the corn empty line.

The deputy secretary of the county party committee, the secretary of the town party committee, and the secretary of the village party branch "three -level secretary" grabbed 250,000 mu of soybean production. One general goal is to ensure that there are a lot of acres of 250,000 acres of soybean sowing this year; the other goal is to ensure that the expansion area is 40,000 acres per acre.

At present, in the golden period of Xia Soy's sowing, in order to complete the production of 250,000 acres of soybeans in order to preserve the quality and quantity, in addition to the "three -level secretary" in person, it has also taken two measures from the administrative and technical level. Among them, 40,000 acres of expansion tasks have been decomposed to 35,139 farmers and 55,461 plots through the "three -level liability letter" to sign to farmers and plots. Rongxian also used project funds to purchase 100 tons of high -quality beans, and distributed to 40,000 acres of expanded farmers for free.

It is understood that Rongxian soybeans are divided into spring soybeans and summer soybeans. Spring soybeans have been sowed more than 30,000 acres. The remaining 220,000 acres of summer soybeans are currently sowing and sowing before July 10. 40,000 mu of soybean expansion plots, mainly three types: young orchards, soybean tongs, and other models. The corn set soybean, the core demonstration film of the corn acres strives to reach 500 kilograms, and the soybean murmate strives to reach 140 kg.

Because Rongxian has a history of more than 40 years of seedlings with corn set soybeans, and has accumulated quite rich planting experience, in 2010, Rongxian undertaken the nationwide set of soybean production site; in 2018 and 2019 Meeting, the birthplace of the national and Sichuan agricultural experts as corn sets of soybeans.

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