Mind Creation Update 2021 Report: Stable operational ability to appear, but the operating pressure under the epidemic cannot be underestimated

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.06.29

On June 29th, according to the official website of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Beijing Mind Creation Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Thinking Creation") updated the contents of the 2021 financial report and related inquiry reply letters.

Performance increases against the trend, the core business profitability improves, and the sustainable operating capacity is enhanced

According to the annual report data, the revenue of thinking in 2021 reached 840 million yuan, an increase of 25.02%against the trend, and a net profit of 120 million yuan, an increase of 211.22%, and the profitability increased significantly. In this regard, thinking creation said that its workplace education products were widely recognized by the market, and its revenue increased steadily, and its market share continued to increase.

From knowledge payments to workplace education, thinking and creation have quietly completed the transformation

Earlier, the public's impression of this company only stayed in knowledge payment. From the latest prospectus, thinking creation is more and more like a workplace education company. Earlier, the main thinking of thinking was mainly audio general courses, and well -known courses include "Xue Zhaofeng's Economics Course" and "Xiangshuai's Peking University Financial Studies". Beginning in 2020, it may be the product model of K12 or other vocational education companies. Thinking and creating the workplace training camp courses mainly meet the needs of workplace users in a short period of time to master the needs of general soft skills in the workplace. According to disclosure, since its launch in 2020, the number of paids of its training camp products has exceeded 150,000, and the payment amount has exceeded 100 million yuan, indicating that the product has been greatly recognized by users. In response to white -collar workers with more than 100 million people in China, industry insiders believe that the penetration rate of product improvement in such vocational skills is expected to further increase, and business growth is large.

Persons in the workplace are gradually aware of the importance of soft skills, and it is necessary to make targeted improvements based on the characteristics of the employment market's needs to enhance the job and workplace competitiveness. The investigation of the "White Paper on the Development of the Chinese Workplace in 2022" shows that more than 85%of the workplace people are experiencing workplace difficulties and challenges, and the proportion of "insufficient workplace ability" accounts for 66.9%. In addition, the BOSS direct employment report shows that the needs of employers in teamwork, interpersonal communication and coordination, and fast learning skills are higher than those in the workplace.

Obviously, thinking and creation should also pay attention to the urgent needs of both parties to improve soft skills, and recently released a new brand "training" to enhance the soft skills of the workplace. Persons in the workplace improve the general ability of communication, management, eloquence, workplace writing, etc., and open the channel of the workplace ascending. With the gradual launch of thinking and workplace education products, its user's willingness to pay has continued to increase, and the use and viscosity are continuously enhanced. According to disclosure, the online business ARPPU (the average paid amount per paid households) exceeded 418 yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of 30%, and the average daily use time of users increased from 54 minutes to 62 minutes.

Harvest a number of heavy technical honors and be recognized by authority

As a head service provider of the "lifelong education" industry, thinking and creation continues to strengthen product and technological innovation research and development, and is committed to improving growth and industry competitiveness.

In terms of technology, thinking creation has invested in independent R & D and launched universal text retrieval technology, adaptive cross -platform typesetting technology, digital copyright management technology, and obtaining the brain (thousands of people and thousands) to support product innovation and consolidate the market competition of online products. force. Its continuous technical investment and rich product ecology, superimposed high -quality curriculum content and diverse learning styles, so that it can be distributed to users through algorithm and service recommendation to effectively improve the efficiency of independent products and enhance the willingness to pay for users.

According to the content of the annual report and reply letter, the thinking creation has gained several heavy technical honors. Knowledge services and lifelong education were selected as the "2021 New Information Consumption Demonstration Project", which can be seen that its product innovation and technical level have been recognized by the national ministries and commissions and professional institutions.

Under the impact of the epidemic, the business growth of the thinking and creative creation is facing challenges

The ups and downs of the new crown epidemic have also affected its business to varying degrees. For example, the Gao Research Institute rose 95.55%year -on -year in 2021, achieving a income scale of nearly 100 million yuan. However, we found that the number of enrolls in each period is obvious, and the epidemic is greaterly affected. According to the mindset, the opening of the Council of the High Research Institute in the first quarter of 2022 was postponed or correspondingly suspended, which will have a certain impact on its income. In addition, due to the impact of the epidemic in 2021, the empty field was held, which also led to economic losses of 10 million yuan.

Not only thinking, but according to the previous report of the China Fund, more than 60 % of A -share listed companies have experienced the decline in the first quarter of performance, and most of them mention the impact of the epidemic. The impact of the epidemic on companies in my country is still unknown. The performance of thinking and creating this year needs to be seen further.

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