Yichang: 126 provinces and cities key construction projects started to enter the warehouse

Author:Three Gorges Daily Time:2022.06.30

Three Gorges Daily (Reporter Gao Wei) Yesterday, the reporter learned that from January to May, the investment in Yichang's fixed assets increased by 17.6%year -on -year, which was 1.5 percentage points higher than the province. Among them, 149 provinces and cities key construction projects have started 126 storage, with an operating rate of 84.6%.

Since the beginning of this year, the city has thoroughly implemented the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. The king of the middle, do a good job of expanding investment in the project, helps the city's economic start to stabilize, advance in stability, and move forward.

Seize the speed of the national project's approval, moderate advancement of infrastructure construction, and increased efforts to increase growth policies, and accurately plan packaging projects. The central and provincial budget projects have 93 and 630 million yuan, and new government special bonds are 5.17 billion yuan.

Adhere to the "single -month contract, two -month construction, quarterly pull practice", establish a "headquarters+active claim" mechanism for major projects of more than 5 billion yuan, improve the investment and project construction assessment methods, and strengthen special dispatching of sub -industries, sub -fields, and zones. As of the end of May, the city's more than 100 million yuan in the library projects, an increase of 542 year -on -year, the first in the province. 506 projects above 100 million yuan, an increase of 264 year -on -year, the first in the province.

Adhere to the best of the battle, strengthen the industrial chain investment, professional investment, and business investment, and sign up 631 projects with a new contract of 100 million yuan, exceeding the whole year of last year.

Relying on the construction of the Three Gorges Laboratory of Hubei, strengthen joint scientific research research, and increase the cultivation of innovation subjects. As of the end of May, there were 6 new national "little giant" enterprises and 66 provincial specialized new enterprises. The "Yichang Edition" promulgated "40" and "one clarion" of the "one" and "one clarion" of the policy of benefiting enterprises has been "exempt from retreat, slow, and suspension" of 6.27 billion yuan, of which the value -added tax reserved tax refund was 4.64 billion yuan. Formulate the "20 Articles" of financial relief assistance, and promote 2271 bank -enterprise financing docking cooperation projects and 173.2 billion yuan in credit credit.

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