12.9 billion yuan of unemployment insurance returned funds to accelerate to help stabilize corporate employment

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.30

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 30th.

Jiang Lin, Xu Haobing

In order to reduce the impact of the epidemic and inspire enterprises to stabilize employment positions, since this year, my country has continued to increase the implementation of the retreat of unemployment insurance and return to the policy. By returning a certain proportion of unemployment insurance premiums on non -layoffs and layoffs, it will help enterprises to reduce burden and cross difficulties.

According to the data released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on June 30, the people and social departments of various localities have made every effort to implement a package of policy and measures to stabilize the economy, and promote the return of unemployment insurance to the return to increase efficiency. From January to May, 2.73 million companies across the country received a total of 12.9 billion yuan in stable funds and benefited 51.89 million employees.

On May 18, 2022, workers of a shoe company in Yinping Town, Qiancheng District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province were producing sports shoes. Since May, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province has relieved their worries for enterprises, helping enterprises to increase their income stabilized. Xinhua News Agency reporter Fan Changguo

Help enterprise rescue, and the efforts of stabilization policies are continuously increasing

In June, Jilin Yanji, fireworks gradually recovered.

The Fengmao baking skewers located on the park, the guests sat across the table, and the aroma in the shop overflowed.

Affected by the epidemic, the shop had been closed for nearly 2 months before, causing a lot of losses. At the end of May, the accounts of the store affiliated to the store unexpectedly received 15,000 yuan to return the job.

The manager Xuan Jinhua said: "We are the most ordinary small and micro enterprises. I didn't expect to be supported by the government. There were more than 60 employees in our 2 stores, and one was not unemployed. , But can basically maintain the expenses, and it will be better next. "

On May 28, 2022, citizens dine in a restaurant in Changchun. From 00:00 on this day, various types of production and operation entities in Changchun have resumed their business. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Chang Photo

Liu Limei, director of the Unemployment Insurance Management Department of the Jilin Provincial Social Security Bureau, told reporters that since the epidemic in the new crown pneumonia in March, it has introduced two -wheeled social insurance to help enterprises' rescue policies. Considering the general impact of the epidemic on the province of Jilin, it was decided to implement the national policies. The return ratio of small, medium and micro enterprises is raised from 60%to 90%, and the return ratio of large enterprises from 30%to 50%.

"For small and micro enterprises without banks to public accounts, we have issued accounts to enterprises to pay social insurance accounts through cooperation with the tax department." Liu Limei said that as of now, unemployment insurance has been issued The return of the job is nearly 800 million yuan.

Hubei, Yunnan, Guangxi and other provinces actively promote the gradually expanded by the policy benefit of the policy. Organize the implementation of the policy scope for reference, and promote the full coverage of the policy.

On May 26, 2022, in Taihe County, Fuyang City, Anhui Province, a clothing company workers produced and exported to overseas clothing. Fuyang City, Anhui Province, further increased its efforts to help enterprises, and actively implemented various policies such as enterprise -benefit enterprises. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Liang Xiaopeng)

"From the perspective of the national situation, the beneficiary companies generally use the funds for stabilized jobs to pay social security premiums, carry out transfer training, issue living subsidies, etc., hedging the cost of employment, alleviating operating pressure, stabilizing the employee team." Deputy Director Liu Peng said.

For exemption, enjoy it, and the funding for funds can be as soon as possible as soon as possible

In the workshop of Hubei Xiangcheng Shoe Industry Co., Ltd., workers are seizing the production of a group of sports shoes exported to Europe.

Not long ago, the company's account was more than 560,000 yuan. Financial staff told reporters that the enterprise did not apply. This is the return of the unemployment insurance that the Human Resources and Social Affairs Department's initiative to issue an unemployment insurance. It will be used to issue salary for more than 2,500 employees, which will effectively reduce the burden on the enterprise.

Zhang Guoqing, Director of the Employment Promotion of Human Resources and Social Affairs Department of Hubei Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department, said that in order to help enterprises more timely and timely, the Human Resources and Social Security departments have canceled the application link and changed the "enterprise to find policies" to "policies, funds, service to find enterprises". Through big data comparison and identification, the enterprises are compliant, and 68,000 companies in the province's 5 specialty industries are uniformly labeled, and the stable funds are issued directly to the corporate account.

Increase the speed of funds, can quickly as soon as possible. Zhang Guoqing said that as early as March, Hubei Province began to carry out data comparison, capital calculation, and pre -research work in advance. On the second day of the policies, Huangshi City will allocate the first batch of unemployment insurance for the stabilization funds of 38.3843 million yuan. Among the small and micro enterprises that have been supported, 2,985 are less than 30.

With the help of the province's integrated information system, Jilin Province adopted the "flat" management method. The province's 50 cities (states) and county (cities) simultaneously implemented "exemption to enjoy" and funds were "one -click".

"In the next step, we will continue to guide the time windows of time, unblock the application channels, and vigorously implement the policy of stabilizing the job of unemployment insurance. Promote the promotion of various policies and enjoy the policy dividends to the greatest extent. "Liu Peng said.

Broaden the beneficiary surface, to release the policy dividend to the maximum extent

Hangzhou Shibao Silk Technology Co., Ltd., located in Linping District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, is a digital printing silk cultural innovation enterprise that has been established shortly after. Affected by the epidemic, the company faces difficulties such as the backlog of inventory, the sales repayment, and the rise in raw material prices.

Benefiting from a number of support policies issued by the country, in addition to obtaining the funds of the unemployment insurance and stable return funds, this company can also pay more than 300,000 yuan in social insurance premiums before the end of the year. It is understood that in response to the difficulties encountered by the enterprise during the epidemic, there are two more measures to help the enterprises in the unemployment insurance.

Liu Peng introduced that the first is to expand the scope of the benefit of the subsidy policy of retained workers. From small and medium -sized enterprises in high -risk areas to large enterprises in the region to large enterprises in the region, authorized provinces to expand to high -level risks in accordance with the degree of impact of the epidemic and the balance of the fund. Catering, retail, tourism, civil aviation, and highway water railway transportation in the epidemic area transport 5 special trapped industries.

The second is to expand the scope of implementation of the implementation of social insurance premium policies. Based on all the participating companies in the five specialty industries, it has added 17 difficult enterprises in other industries such as the automobile manufacturing and general equipment manufacturing industries, as well as the affected areas affected by the epidemic. Small and medium -sized enterprises with difficulty in production and operation.

A number of measures go hand in hand, and the life of unemployment insurance insurance, loss of business, and promoting employment are being effectively exerted. It is expected that all of them can release 330 billion yuan in policy dividends.

As of June 20, Guangdong Province has issued a stable return to 3.031 billion yuan to benefit 1.583 million companies. Focusing on policies such as "returning", "down" and "supplement", it is expected that Guangdong Province will release the bonus of unemployment insurance policy over 30 billion yuan and benefit more than 2.7 million enterprises.

[Editor in charge: Liu Yang]

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