In the first half of the year, the new tax refund, tax reduction, cost reduction and slow tax and slow fees are expected to be about 2.86 trillion yuan

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.01

On June 30, the State Administration of Taxation held a press conference on the implementation of a new combined tax support policy. Wang Daoshu, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the State Administration of Taxation, said that at present, the new combined tax support policy is landing smoothly and orderly, and the tasks of the sub -refund of the reserved tax refund of micro, small, medium, and large enterprises are basically completed. As of June 25, the new combined tax support policy has cumulatively increased tax rebate, tax reduction, cost reduction, and slow tax and slowing fees of approximately 2.58 trillion yuan. It is estimated that the new combined tax support policy in the first half of the year will increase tax rebate, tax reduction, cost reduction and slowing fee of about 2.86 trillion yuan.

Cai Zili, executive deputy director of the State Administration of Taxation Tax Rebate and Directors and Director of the Income Planning and Accounting Department, introduced that the aforementioned about 2.58 trillion yuan mainly included three parts: First, the value -added tax reserved tax refund was 1826.6 billion yuan, which was the whole year of last year. 2.8 times. From April 1st to June 25th, the value -added tax retained tax refund has been retreated to the taxpayer account of 170.33 billion yuan, and the previous quarter continued to implement the previously issued tax refund policy of 123.3 billion yuan; the second is the new increase or decrease The tax reduction fee was 285.9 billion yuan, which effectively reduced the burden of corporate taxes and fees; the third was to handle the tax payment of 463.2 billion yuan to effectively increase corporate cash flow.

"The taxation department conscientiously implements the new combined tax support policy, and prioritizes the large -scale small and medium -sized enterprises with a large number of small and medium -sized enterprises to cross the difficulty and increase its strength. The amount of discounts for micro -enterprise accounts for nearly 70%, "said South Korea Rong, director of the Tax Service Department of the State Administration of Taxation.

Cai Zili said that with a series of stable economic measures such as new combined tax support policies, it has been effective, especially the dividend of the tax refund policy is gradually released to help the rapid recovery of economic operation.

Data show that in May, the sales revenue of enterprises across the country increased by 1.9%year-on-year, an increase of 9.3 percentage points from April (-7.4%). From June 1st to June 25th, the sales revenue of enterprises across the country increased by 6.8%year -on -year, further increased by 4.9 percentage points from May, and showed a good trend by month by month. From the perspective of key areas, Shanghai, which was greatly affected by the epidemic in the early stage, achieved a faster recovery. From June 1st to June 25th, sales revenue increased by 18.2%year -on -year, which was a significant increase from May, which drove the growth of 9.4%in the Yangtze River Delta. It was increased by 16.2 percentage points from May.

South Korea Rong said that a package of tax support policies landed rapidly, effectively boosting confidence in small and medium -sized enterprises. In the first five months of this year, 5.547 million new tax -related market entities across the country, a year -on -year increase of 6.2%, 99%of which are small and medium -sized enterprises. VAT invoice data show that from June 1st to June 25th, the sales revenue of small and micro enterprises across the country increased by 6%year -on -year, an increase of 14.6 percentage points and 3.4 percentage points from April and May, respectively.

Wang Daoshu said that in July, the tax refund work in 7 new industries will be pushed away, and the social security premiums should be promoted simultaneously, and the work of further accelerating the export tax refund has also begun. New combined tax support policies such as tax refunds have been implemented to a critical period for the battle. The national tax system will make every effort to promote the new combined tax support policies to be implemented quickly, and better help to stabilize the macroeconomic market with work results.

Cui Zhijuan, a professor at Beijing National Accounting Institute, told the "Securities Daily" reporter that the small and micro enterprises themselves have limited capital and weak anti -risk capabilities. The rigid daily expenditure causes the company's cash flow, affects the continuous operation of the enterprise, and retain the tax refund and other policies. It relieves the cash flow of enterprises and enhances the toughness of the development of the enterprise.

Liu Xingguo, a researcher at the Research Department of the Chinese Enterprise Federation, told the reporter of the Securities Daily that the new combined tax support policy and measures introduced in the first half of the year brought a real bonus to the enterprise, which not only reduced the business burden of the enterprise. The comprehensive cost has also been reduced, the pressure of corporate funds has also been eased, the normal turnover of the enterprise's production and operation is guaranteed, and an important contribution to the main body of the market and the steady growth of the market. It is also the promotion of the measures of benefit enterprises that the macroeconomic has achieved a bottom rebound in May, laying a good foundation for the second half of the year's recovery growth.

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