Help farmers increase income and promote the business district of rural consumer counties.

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.01

Zhejiang News Client reporter worshiped Zhe Ye

Local area of ​​Anji County. Photo by Zhejiang News Client Pan Xuekang

A few days ago, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce announced the pilot county (city, district) of Zhejiang Province's county business system in 2022. Among the 15 pilot counties (cities, districts) include both mountainous counties and island counties, as well as unique plain counties. At the end of last year, 17 departments such as the Provincial Department of Commerce jointly issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Construction of Zhejiang Province's Strengthening the Construction of the County Commercial System to Promote Rural Consumption (2021-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the" Plan ") Action guidelines are provided for agricultural products to enter the city. Where will the construction of the county business system in our province will go?

Agricultural products enter the city, industrial products go to the countryside

The last 100 meters of logistics is unblocked, and the fruit and vegetable rice in the village has the fastest route to the city table; the commercial complex is lifted, and the middle -aged people who leave the hometown and the young people purchased by "enter the city" have stayed in the county ... This It is the future scene of the construction of the commercial system of Zhejiang County. It is related to the increase in farmers' income and rural consumption, and it is also an important part of the province's high -quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration area in our province.

"The construction of the county business system is closed throughout the domestic large cycle and high -quality development and construction of the common wealth demonstration zone." The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Commerce told reporters that since the reform and opening up, the construction of the county business system in our province has achieved great results. However, the general problem of rural commercial development is generally lagging, the generality of generally has limited types of commodities, backward services, and universal willingness to invest in market entities.

Through construction, transformation and enhancement of a number of county business and logistics infrastructure, it is not only conducive to unblocking urban and rural circulation, promoting the upward and going down the countryside such as agricultural products and industrial products, but also more conducive to creating a good business environment and promoting more Production factor flows to the county.

The practice of pilot counties vividly interprets what "potential stimulation" is. The county is based on local urban and rural logistics Co., Ltd. as the main body, and the county -level co -assignment center has established a county -level three -level logistics system to explore the multi -business integration model of "customer shipping+fresh delivery+convenience service" Essence

The surplus capacity of urban and rural logistics distribution and buses is collaborated. The people can also buy foreign consumer goods conveniently in the village. They can also sell oil tofu, peaches, soil honey and other local sale without "out of the stalls". Drum ". At the same time, setting up convenience services such as courier logistics sites at the township and villages, providing online communication, financial savings, newspapers and periodical subscriptions, agency sales and other convenient services, so that rural people also enjoy the high -quality people's livelihood resources of urban people and enhance the happiness of rural people.

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Commerce said that the agricultural products are going up and the supply chain sinks. The logic behind it can be summarized as three sentences -to make farmers' income sources more, make the rural market more active, and make the county consumer environment better.

The county town of Shexiang, surrounded by mountains. Photo by Zhejiang News Client to shoot friends Li Suren

Unblocked logistics is the key

Opening up the county logistics system is the top priority of the construction of the county business system, while unblocking "capillaries" depends on local enterprises.

In a questioning of the provincial party school research group, companies that have "sinking" are the most deepening companies such as Ningbo Sanjiang and Luzhou Oriental. They are local circulation companies that are cultivated, local development, and cultivated locally. "These companies are familiar with the situation of townships and villages, and they are more likely to have the motivation of 'sinking'." Relevant experts said. In the "Wancun Qianxiang Market Project", the township chain leading enterprises cultivated in our province have gradually grown into a leading company in the local business and trade. As of the end of 2020, there are 219 key business and circulation enterprises in the province, of which the registered place is in rural areas (county (county (county (county (county (county (county (county (county (county (county (county (county (county (county (county There were 53) below the county, accounting for 24.2%of the total.

"Using the" agricultural and commercial interconnection "mechanism, we cooperate closely with farmers to ensure the quality of agricultural products in a direct use of the base." It is reported that the current delivery network of Dongjiang Dongfang is fully covered with the counties (cities, districts) and key towns of Luzhou City, and it has extended to the edge of the four provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangsu, Jiangsu and Anhui.

Mountains and counties are unblocked on land logistics. How can island counties "go to sea"? From the fishing ground to the market, the island is exploring a cold chain.

In the past, Zhejiang fishermen could capture a lot of tuna during ocean fishing, but they were subject to the "ultra -low temperature and cold chain" technology. It was difficult to save the fresh and delicious tuna. The domestic tuna's high -end market has long been occupied by foreign companies.

Zhoushan Putuo District introduced Pingtai Rong Ocean Fisheries Group to create a "chain main type" enterprise for the production and circulation of water products. "We have been equipped with 51 long -line fishing vessels and 7 ultra -low -temperature cold chain transport vehicles to ensure the stable operation of ultra -low temperature refrigerated chains." The relevant person in charge said.

Let the township and towns become a linkage node and network hub that drives rural business, and then use the logistics Unicom and other nodes. What about it?

"Commercial complex is the key to driving this network operation." The person in charge of the Circulation Development Department of the Provincial Department of Commerce said. The "Plan" proposes that by 2025, every township in Zhejiang will have a commercial complex. "Improving the quality of the county business district is one of the important purpose of the construction of the county business system." He believes that high -cost logistics has always caused a single type of consumer goods in the rural market. In the same thing, most of them will run to the neighboring cities, or choose the way to buy online, and the outflow of consumer demand will intensify. Building a commercial complex can open up this block.

In the governor of Huozhou, Gu Yancun is creating a complex in the form of business and cultural tourism.At present, on the basis of the agricultural gathering, local agricultural product circulation has basically formed a relatively complete supply chain to radiate agricultural and sideline products within 50 kilometers around.In the future, it will be used as a demonstration village for the integration and development of Shangwen Travel.In the blueprint of the construction of the county business system in Zhejiang, in the future, the logistics will be more open, the market is more lively, more tourists, and more villagers.

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