Harbin Shuangcheng Green Foods are wonderful to the 22nd China Food Festival

Author:China Food News Agency Rong Me Time:2022.07.01

On June 29, the 22nd China Food Festival and the 5th Catering Industry Supply Chain Expo officially kicked off at the Harbin International Convention and Exhibition Center. The opening ceremony.

This year's Gourmet Festival is co -sponsored by the China Hotel Association, the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Commerce, and the Harbin Municipal Government. The theme of "help rural revitalization, promote consumption upgrade, enjoy the beauty, enjoy the cool, and taste food". Release the potential of consumption, promote the continuous recovery of consumption, comprehensively implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal party congresses, further boost consumer confidence, accelerate economic recovery, drive the recovery of service and tourism, and drive economic growth.

In this event, there were 108 square meters of special booths in Shuangcheng District. Highlights at the exhibition.

During the opening ceremony, Zhang Qixiang, deputy secretary and mayor of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee, Han Ming, president of the Chinese Hotel Association, and Guo Shunmin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, stopped in the Shuangcheng Exhibition Area, listened to the relevant product introduction carefully, and tasted Cui Cui Peanut Peanut , Fully affirmed the active exhibition and brightening the signboards of the hometown.

He Yanming is very concerned about the exhibitors and inquire about the future development of the enterprise. From the green food industry cluster that creates the two cities, to the packaging and promotion of the exhibitors, it has made very good suggestions to plan for the enterprise to go out of the market to develop the foreign market.

In the booth booths of Cui Cui Peanut and Xifeng, He Yanming told them to do a good job of product image design, go to all parts of the country, do a good job of publicity, seize the opportunity to walk out of Longjiang to expand their ideas, and further take good products to further products. Promoting to the whole country, not only blooms in the wall, but also fragrant outside the wall.

In the black soil memory booth, He Yanming and the person in charge of the enterprise carefully explored food safety issues, and told the enterprise to introduce the characteristics of the product to consumers in simple language. Participating in the exhibition is a science. The introduction to more people not only allows foreigners to recognize, but also allows people in their hometown to eat better food. (Zhang Ye Liu Yuncong Reporter Gao Wei)

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