Grand Kingdoms 丨 Fugin and Qiang Province iconic project!Jilin is fully building China's "big meat library"

Author:China Time:2022.07.01

In 2020, the Eighth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Session of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee proposed to play the role of the central axis industry of animal husbandry, implement the "straw change meat" iconic project, launched the 10 million beef beef beef construction project to create a national "big meat library".

Standing at a new starting point, let the "four hoofs" catch up with the "four wheels", and make the "straw change meat" and the construction of millions of beef beef beef beef beef beef and beef beef.

Since 2020, all departments at all levels in the province have paid close attention to the high -quality goals of the beef and beef industry, firmly grasped the "beef nose" of project construction, and promoted the historical high of beef beef breeding.

"Four hoofs chase and four wheels" became a wide range of consensus in the province.

The leading group of the governor was set up by the governor, and 30 people set up a provincial beef beef beef beef beef beef beef and beef from 14 departments. Policy support and implementation of project implementation, with strong organizational leadership and promotion mechanism, condensed ideological consensus throughout the province, and greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the majority of breeding and processing enterprises.

The series of high gold content and the use of pipelines will be effective!

The Provincial Government has issued policy documents such as "Ten Niu Ten" and "Implementation Opinions". Insurance coverage has solved the worries of financial institutions and cracked the financing problem.

Innovation launched more than 200 kinds of financial products, and the province's beef cattle loan balance reached 15.28 billion yuan. Among them, the balance of beef beef life mortgage loans was 3 billion yuan.

Innovate the use of special debt to support the development of the beef and beef industry. In 2021, the first batch of 7 special debt projects passed the national audit project, and the special debt funds were 2.534 billion yuan. The province has accumulated 47 beef and cattle special debt projects that have passed the national review of warehouses, with a total demand for special bonds 20.67 billion yuan.

A batch of major projects, landing!

In 2021, there were 63 new beef cattle projects in the province, of which 50 projects started construction, 38 projects were introduced into columns. 16 companies introduced 24,600 basic cows from abroad, a record high.

In 2022, there were 58 new beef cattle breeding projects in the province, with a total planning total investment of 28.122 billion yuan, a design and breeding capacity of 732,700 heads, and currently 23 projects started construction, introducing 5151 beef cattle.

Science and technology information has obvious support for the industry.

Jilin Province Science and Technology Strong Animal Husbandry Alliance invited well -known experts such as the Chief Scientist of the National Meat Yak Industry Technology System to establish an expert committee. The high -quality development summit brings together the national cutting -edge force of beef and beef technology innovation to help the province's high -quality development of the beef and beef industry.

In the country, the "Ji Niu Yun" big data platform has been taken the lead, with a total of 3.296 million beef cattle, 306,000 breeding entities, and more than 1 million employees. Organize the provincial, municipal, and county -level industrial technical systems, and hold a total of 184 offline training training, compile 320,900 practical technology manuals, train 448,000 people in the training and guide farms (households) Training "full coverage.

The engineering construction momentum is strong and achieved significant results.

In 2021, the province's beef cattle breeding volume was 5.807 million, an increase of 10.8%year -on -year, creating the best level in history; beef production was 408,000 tons, an increase of 5.6%year -on -year; 45%.

In the first quarter of 2022, the province's beef cattle breeding volume was 4.171 million heads, an increase of 9.4%year -on -year, of which: the depository was 3.524 million, a year -on -year increase of 9.3%, 5.4 percentage points higher than the national average; 6.8 percentage points higher than the national average. Pear trees, Tongyu, Nong'an, Gongling, Yushu and other counties (cities) have more than 50,000 beef cattle.

Nowadays, the "Stalk Change" project is developing into the entire industrial chain project from land to the tip of the tongue, and has become the "leading beef" of the beef and beef industry in the country.

China Ji Ke APP Reporter Chen Zhiwen/Wen

The picture is provided by the Jilin Provincial Animal Husbandry Bureau

Edit Zhang Nan

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